[pm-h] Fw: [pm_groups] Send a newbie

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Tue Apr 28 05:08:16 PDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:27:23 +0100
From: Léon Brocard <acme at astray.com>
To: pm_groups at pm.org
Subject: [pm_groups] Send a newbie

[Sending on for Edmund, seems a worthwhile cause]


Please could you pass this email on to your PM group if you think it
would be of interest to them.

The Send-a-Newbie project is raising money for young Perl programmers
to attend YAPC::Europe this year in Lisbon, Portugal.


So far they've raised 965 Euros - which will be enough to send at
least two people. However there are 21 applicants for funding so more
donations are needed.

If you're able to donate please do so. By getting people into the
community earlier they'll contribute more and we'll all benefit. It'll
also demonstrate to the outside world that the Perl community is
alive, vibrant and supportive (we all know this of course).

Please also help by spreading the word. You can do this by adding a
link in your email signature, blogging and so on. Especially useful
would be to forward this email to internal mailing lists to reach
people who might not read the main lists. The more people we reach the
more we can help.

Thank you,
Help Perl newbies:
 * http://www.send-a-newbie.com/
 * http://twitter.com/send_a_newbie
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