[pm-h] Fw: [pm_groups] [TwinCity PWS 2008] Call for Invitations

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Wed Sep 10 05:19:14 PDT 2008

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 09:23:16 +0200
From: Michael Kröll <pepl at cpan.org>
To: pm_groups at pm.org
Subject: [pm_groups] [TwinCity PWS 2008] Call for Invitations

Please forward to your local groups.


The TwinCity Perl Workshop 2008 will take place in Vienna and Bratislava
from November, 7th to 8th.
This Perl Workshop will be an unique event in several ways as it will be
the *100th grassroot Perl Event*
in the history of humankind and also the first Perl event ever taking
place in two national capitals:
Bratislava and Vienna!

Vienna.pm has set aside a budget of 1000 EUR to invite speakers to the
Twin City Perl Workshop. If you're not living in Bratislava or Vienna,
won't be funded by your company, but want to attend, please send
e-mail to twincity at rt.useperl.at describing why we should invite you and
how much it
will cost to transport you to Vienna and Bratislava! The deadline for
proposals is Sunday 21th Sept. 2008, and we will decide whom to invite
until Wed, 24th Sept.

On Friday, November 7th, Vienna.pm will welcome Perl Hackers from around
the world to Vienna.
The event will continue on Saturday, November 8th, in Bratislava, hosted
by Bratislava.pm.
Each day will feature talks in the local language (German and Slovak) in
the morning,
followed by English talks in the afternoon.
The evenings will be spent at social events in restaurants near the

On behalf of the TwinCity PWS Organisers
Michael Kröll

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