[pm-h] Fw: [pm_groups] Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2008

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Tue Sep 9 21:22:47 PDT 2008

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 21:22:25 -0400
From: Robert Blackwell <robert at robertblackwell.com>
To: pm_groups at pm.org
Subject: [pm_groups] Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2008

Please forward this to your local Perl Monger group or anywhere you  
think it might find people interested in perl.


Robert Blackwell

The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop is a low-cost technical conference held  
at the Carnegie Mellon University's Oakland Campus. The workshop will  
be held on October 11–12 2008.

* Talk Proposals

* Classes

* Hack-a-thons

* Talk Proposals

The deadline for talk proposals in by 12 September 2008.

The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2008 is the perfect opportunity to share  
your ideas, code, and projects with masses of code-loving Perl  
hackers. Shouldn't you have a speaking slot at this year's event?  
Shouldn't you experience the full, PPW-powered glory that only  
speakers can know?

Of course you should!

Haven't you ...
done interesting stuff for Perl?
written cool code?
seen the future of Perl?
got a story to tell?
got a trick to share?

In fact, if you have anything to say that would interest Perl people,  
we want to hear you say it!

Just go to http://pghpw.org and submit a talk proposal. It's that easy.

But don't delay. Get your proposal in by 12 September 2008 -- or else  
you might miss out.

Seize the day! Own the fun! Submit a talk proposal for PPW 2008 now!

* Classes

This year we are offering three great classes:

Dan Klein is back teaching From Zero to Perl.

Peter Scott - Maintaining Code While Staying Sane

brian d foy - Mastering Perl

* Hack-a-thons

We are having a Rakudo, (Perl 6) hack-a-thon.

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"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
vote."                               -- Ambassador Kosh, "Believers"

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