[pm-h] Fw: UG News: O'Reilly School of Technology Launches; Discount for Group Members

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Mon Apr 9 16:56:37 PDT 2007

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:02:00 -0700
From: "Marsee Henon" <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: gwadej at anomaly.org
Subject: UG News: O'Reilly School of Technology Launches; Discount for
Group Members


We're excited to release the following news. Please share with your
members if you think they will be interested:

The O'Reilly School of Technology has officially opened its virtual
doors with educational offerings for students looking to further or
launch their IT careers, whether they aspire to become alpha geeks or
not. The school is a unique partnership between O'Reilly Media and the
University of Illinois.

Students can earn a Certificate for Professional Development from the
University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education upon completion of
a selected series of courses. Certificates are currently offered in
Client-Side Web Programming, Linux/Unix System Administration, Web
Programming, Open Source Programming, and .NET Programming.

Courses are offered at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Whether students take the courses individually or with a certificate in
mind, the completion of each course earns Continuing Education Units
from the University of Illinois, and count toward the certificates that
include that course.

For more information about the O'Reilly School of Technology, including
a current list of certificate and courses, see:

Watch the video to see how it works:

And UG Members Receive a 30% Discount!

As an O'Reilly User Group member, you save on all the courses and
certificate series. To redeem, use Promotion Code "ORALL1," good for a
30% discount, in Step #2 of the enrollment process. Each course comes
with a free O'Reilly book and a 7-day money-back guarantee. Register
online: <http://www.oreillyschool.com/?CMP=BAC-ostug>

Group leaders--post a discount banner on your group's site and I'll send
you the book of your choice: 

--Marsee Henon

1005 Gravenstein Highway North  
Sebastopol, CA   95472
http://ug.oreilly.com/  http://ug.oreilly.com/creativemedia/

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup.                                      -- C. Titus

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