[pm-h] YAPC 2007
Mike Flannigan
mikeflan at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 1 18:49:37 PDT 2006
Wow, you've got to be kidding. We really got it!
I can't believe it. Very nice. From what I saw you deserve
the lion's share of the credit. One hell of a job.
Jeremy Fluhmann wrote:
> Now that it’s been announced at YAPC::EU this morning, I can safely
> send to the list and say that we won the bid!! YAPC::NA 2007 will be
> in Houston!
> The ‘interim’ home page has been posted at
> http://www.yapc.org/America. The plan is that TPF will provide a
> hosted site running in ACT (A Conference Toolkit). For more info on
> ACT, see here: http://act.mongueurs.net/
> Please let me know if anyone has any questions. I’m pretty excited
> about this (and a little nervous as well). I’m not sure it has
> completely sunk in yet. Wade, Will, and I have already started
> working on pulling things together and gathering more information as
> needed. We will be working with TPF, Larry, and Damian to zero in on
> specific dates for YAPC. We will also be working with both UH-central
> and UHD to choose a venue. Information for UH-central was used in
> writing the bid. I believe Jim Brandt (TPF Conference chair) is going
> to set up a listserv for yapc organizing. This is probably where most
> of our organizing discussions will take place so as to not flood this
> list. Once the hosted ACT site is setup, it will probably serve as
> our central resource for hosting yapc.
> I hope everyone’s getting excited about it. We need to start
> (probably should have already started) compiling a list of possible
> sponsors or supporters and getting contact information for them. We
> have the ‘usual’ sponsors that we will be contacting, but the more the
> merrier. Also, note that the sponsors/supporters do not have to be
> in Houston. Please feel free to offer ANY ideas.
> We’ll give an update a little later once the listserv and ACT site get
> setup.
> Here’s to an excited and busy 10 months!
> Jeremy
> Jeremy Fluhmann
> Programmer/Analyst
> MemorialStudentCenter
> TexasA&MUniversity
> 979-845-8893
> jeremy at msc.tamu.edu
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