The Spaghetti Wars Continue

Gathen, Bill bgathen at
Tue Oct 5 07:57:15 CDT 1999

# What is the correct command-line argument?
@w = qw(w3t51tlt512 hshln43hnnv 1_2ts_f23d2 t__3w_2_v_r ___m2_,_2_y
        ___1r___r_t ___t____s_h ___2____2_3 __________n __________g);

for ( @w ) { for (split(//)) { $question[$i++] .= $_; } undef $i; }
($question = join(' ', at question)) =~ s/_//g;
for (split(//,$question)) { /[123456]/ ? $answer += $_ : $variance-- ; }
$question =~ tr/123456/aeiouy/;
print "Question: $question\nAnswer:   " . ($answer + $ARGV[0]) . "\n";

It seems to me that to really establish a cult following for this little
endeavour, we need a catchy name.  I humbly submit "The Spaghetti Wars",
since high-density obfuscation generally requires a commitment to a
spaghetti-esque, non-modular, non-extensible, anit-reuse, un-maintainable,
inherently-evil programming development approach.  It also kind of reminds
me of Bluto standing up in the cafeteria and yelling "FOOD FI-I-I-IGHT!"
Alternate suggestions are of course solicited.

So far, the convention seems to be that if you "win" you have to explain how
it works (generally) to the group, so we can all learn.  Remember those
"proofs" back in algebra?  I hated those, too...  However, it'll prove that
you didn't just run it & examine the output!  <G>

Have fun,

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