Perl file handle question...

Ed Eddington ed at
Tue Jan 25 08:31:29 CST 2000

Any ideas about this? I want to grab STDOUT from a Perl script within the 
same script and do some processing on it. It would be easy if I could just 
select a filehandle at the beginning of the script so all the print 
statements would print to this filehandle. Seems like there should be a way 
to do this in memory without actually printing to a file and then 
reopening. This does NOT work...


select HANDLE;

print 'This is printing to the HANDLE';

select STDOUT;

$text = <HANDLE>;

print "This from the HANDLE: $text\n";                 #<-- $text is 

If anyone knows a neat way to do this, please let me know.

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