[Edinburgh-pm] Meeting?

Aaron Crane perl at aaroncrane.co.uk
Tue Mar 22 15:10:04 PDT 2011

Antonio Bonifati <antonio.bonifati at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to take part. I am new! How long does it last usually? I could be half an hour late, ~7pm.
> Is there a topic of the day already settled or I can propose sth?

Hi, Antonio.  It's a social meeting, so we don't really have a set
topic of conversation, just whatever people end up talking about.  And
don't worry about being there at the notional start time — folk tend
to arrive and leave during the evening, so feel free to fit the
meeting in round the rest of your schedule.  Which means that, as for
how long it lasts, that's up to you (but it's reasonably common for
there still to be a few of us left at closing time, if that's what
you're looking for).

Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday!

Aaron Crane ** http://aaroncrane.co.uk/

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