From joerg.westphal at Mon Jul 4 12:01:27 2005 From: joerg.westphal at (Joerg Westphal) Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 21:01:27 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Fwd: Newsletter des O'Reilly UserGroup-Programms, 07/05 Message-ID: <> ---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------- Subject: Newsletter des O'Reilly UserGroup-Programms, 07/05 Date: Montag, 4. Juli 2005 14:55 From: O'Reilly Verlag To: user_groups at ____________________________________________________ O'Reilly UserGroup News -- für UserGroup-Mitglieder Juli 2005 ____________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------- Deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen zur Besprechung ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Linux Server-Sicherheit 2. GDB - kurz & gut 3. PHP 5 Kochbuch 4. Wenn Excel nervt ... ---------------------------------------------------- Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen zur Besprechung ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration 2. Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks 3. Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger 4. Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide 5. Vorankündigung: Ab Ende August ist die deutsche Ausgabe des Missing Manual zu Mac OS X Tiger lieferbar 6. Maven: A Developer's Notebook 7. JBoss: A Developer's Notebook (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) 8. Killer Game Programming in Java 9. Learning Java, 3rd edition 10. Swing Hacks (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) ----------------------------------------------- Deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen im Detail ----------------------------------------------- 1. Linux Server-Sicherheit =========================== Michael D. Bauer Deutsche Übersetzung von Andreas Heck 2. Auflage Juni 2005 ISBN 3-89721-413-X 598 Seiten, EUR 44.00 Die 2. Auflage dieses Buchs (die 1. Auflage erschien unter dem Titel "Sichere Server mit Linux") liefert Adminstratoren das State-of-the-art-Rüstzeug, um ihr System zu härten. Michael D. Bauer, der Autor der Kolumne "The Paranoid Penguin" im Linux Journal, vermittelt in diesem Buch neben einem soliden Verständnis der Problematik vor allem konkrete Vorgehensweisen zur Absicherung der einzelnen Internetdienste wie E-Mail, Web und FTP. Neue Themen in der 2. Auflage sind unter anderem Datenbanksicherheit, OpenLDAP, Mailverschlüsselung, Cyrus IMAP und vsftpd. Ein ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: 2. GDB - kurz & gut ===================== Arnold Robbins Deutsche Übersetzung von Peter Klicman 1. Auflage Juni 2005 ISBN 3-89721-512-8 76 Seiten, EUR 8.00 GDB ist der freie Standard-Debugger für C- und C++-Programmierer auf Linux- und BSD-Systemen. GDB - kurz & gut bietet einen Überblick über die Befehlszeilensyntax, Ausdrücke und Initialisierungsdateien bei GDB sowie eine ausführliche und detaillierte Referenz der GDB-Befehle. Ein ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: 3. PHP 5 Kochbuch ================= PHP 5 Kochbuch David Sklar, Adam Trachtenberg, Ulrich Speidel, Stephan Schmidt 2. Auflage Juni 2005 ISBN 3-89721-409-1 794 Seiten, EUR 46.00 Das beliebte Kochbuch zu PHP in vollständig aktualisierter Neuauflage: Gesammeltes Wissen von amerikanischen und deutschen PHP-Experten! Der Bestseller behandelt jetzt PHP 5, er wurde komplett überarbeitet sowie durch neue Kapitel und Rezepte ergänzt. Neben einer umfangreichen Rezeptsammlung zum neuen PHP-Objektmodell bieten die neuen Kapitel eine ausführliche Einführung in Webservices und zeigen, wie man die in PHP 5 hinzugekommenen Iteratoren, Streams, Wrapper, Filter und Exceptions sinnvoll in der Praxis einsetzt. Die neugestalteten XML-Erweiterungen werden ebenso praxisnah besprochen wie PHP auf der Kommandozeile und PEAR. Anstatt in Mailing-Listen, Online-Dokumentationen oder anderen Quellen stöbern zu müssen, können Sie sich auf das PHP 5 Kochbuch verlassen, das Sie schnell mit Lösungen für verbreitete Probleme versorgt. Die Rezepte reichen von einfacheren Aufgaben - wie dem Absenden einer Datenbank-Abfrage und dem Auslesen von URLs - bis zu ganzen Programmen, die komplexe Lösungen beispielsweise zum Generieren von Balkendiagrammen demonstrieren. Eine umfassende und nützliche Codesammlung für jeden PHP-Programmierer. Ein ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: 4. Wenn Excel nervt ... ========================== Curtis Frye Deutsche Übersetzung von Lars Schulten 1. Auflage Juni 2005 ISBN 3-89721-410-5 284 Seiten, EUR 24.00 Gehören Sie auch zu denjenigen, die ein äußerst zwiespältiges Verhältnis zu Excel haben? Das Programm ist zwar unbestritten überaus nützlich, doch kann es einem auch mächtig auf die Nerven gehen: Datenformate, die sich aus mysteriösen Gründen ändern, Listen, die nicht vernünftig sortiert werden, Formeln mit verstrickten Bezügen, endlose Neuberechnungen, und und und. Dieses Buch ist Ihre Chance, Ihre verkorkste Beziehung zu Excel aufzuarbeiten! "Wenn Excel nervt ..." basiert auf echten Ärgernissen von Excel-Nutzern und geht auf die Macken, enervierenden Ungereimtheiten und verborgenen Features von Excel 97, 2000, 2002 und 2003 ein. Mit diesem Buch bekommen Sie Excel in den Griff und nutzen das Potenzial des Programms voll aus. Aus dem Inhalt: - Fehlerhafte Formate flicken, bedingte Formate verwenden - Import/Export-Probleme lösen - Formeln zu einem Kinderspiel machen, Arrays und benannte Bereiche verwenden - wacklige Bezüge reparieren - Wie ein Profi filtern und sortieren, PivotTables meistern - Diagramme erstellen und bearbeiten - Daten mit Access, SQL-Datenbanken und dem Internet austauschen Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: ------------------------------------------------ Englischsprachige Neuerscheinungen im Detail ------------------------------------------------ 1. Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration 2. Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks 3. Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger 4. Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide 5. Vorankündigung: Ab Ende August ist die deutsche Ausgabe des Missing Manual zu Mac OS X Tiger lieferbar 6. Maven: A Developer's Notebook 7. JBoss: A Developer's Notebook (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) 8. Killer Game Programming in Java 9. Learning Java, 3rd edition 10. Swing Hacks (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) 1. Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration ==================================================== Integrating Mac OS X Server into Heterogeneous Networks Michael Bartosh & Ryan Faas First Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00635-7 848 pages, EUR 48.00 If you've ever wondered how to safely manipulate Mac OS X Panther Server's many underlying configuration files or needed to explain AFP permission mapping--this book's for you. From the command line to Apple's graphical tools, the book provides insight into this powerful server software. Topics covered include installation, deployment, server management, web application services, data gathering, and more. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 3: Server Management Tools (PDF Format) 2. Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks ================================= Brian Jepson & Ernest E. Rothman First Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00912-7 416 pages, EUR 34.00 This is the book for Mac command-line fans. Completely revised and updated to cover Mac OS X Tiger, this new edition helps you quickly and painlessly get acclimated with Tiger's familiar-yet foreign-Unix environment. If you're a Unix geek with an interest in Mac OS X, you'll find this clear, concise book invaluable. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 2: Searching and Metadata (PDF Format) 3. Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger =================================== Dave Taylor First Edition Juni 2005 ISBN 0-596-00915-1 288 pages, EUR 19.00 Thoroughly revised and updated for Mac OS X Tiger, this new edition introduces Mac users to the Terminal application and shows you how to navigate the command interface, explore hundreds of Unix applications that come with the Mac, and-most important-how to take advantage of both the Mac and Unix interfaces. If you want to master the command-line, this gentle guide to using Unix on Mac OS X Tiger is well worth its cover price. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 8: Taking Unix Online (PDF Format) 4. Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide =============================== Chuck Toporek First Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00914-3 240 pages, EUR 9.90 The Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide introduces you to the fundamental concepts of using Mac OS X Tiger, including over 250 tips and tricks for using and configuring your Mac OS X system. It concentrates a wealth of tables, common keyboard shortcuts, tips for configuring your Mac, and a quick introduction to using the Terminal to enter Unix commands into a package that is literally small enough to fit in your pocket. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: 1. Maven: A Developer's Notebook 2. JBoss: A Developer's Notebook (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) 3. Killer Game Programming in Java 4. Learning Java, 3rd edition 5. Swing Hacks (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) 6. Maven: A Developer's Notebook ================================= Vincent Massol & Timothy M. O'Brien First Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00750-7 224 pages, EUR 29.00 Maven: A Developer's Notebook is the first book on the subject to hit the market, so you know the information is fresh and timely. If you're a Java programmer, you'll be armed with all the critical information you need to get up to speed on this powerful new build tool. In the end, you'll find yourself spending less time working on your project's build system and more time working on your project's code. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: 7. JBoss: A Developer's Notebook ================================ Norman Richards & Sam Griffith First Edition July 2005 (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) ISBN 0-596-10007-8 176 pages, EUR 29.00 JBoss is a fully certified J2EE 1.4 application server that's free, popular, and competitive with proprietary Java application servers in features and quality. JBoss: A Developer's Notebook takes you on a complete tour of JBoss in a very unique way: rather than long discussions, you will find code--lots of code. In fact, the book is a collection of hands-on labs that take you through the critical JBoss features step-by-step. Don't just read about JBoss, learn it through direct application. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 9: Rolling Out JBoss (PDF Format) 8. Killer Game Programming in Java =================================== Andrew Davison First Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00730-2 996 pages, EUR 43.00 This comprehensive guide has everything you need to program Java games. It offers the most thorough coverage of Java 3D available, and clearly details the older, better-known 2D APIs, 3D sprites, animated 3D sprites, first-person shooter programming, sound, fractals, and networked games. This practical book is a must-have for anyone who wants to create adrenaline-fueled games in Java. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 22: Flocking Boids (PDF Format) 9. Learning Java ================= Pat Niemeyer & Jonathan Knudsen Third Edition June 2005 ISBN 0-596-00873-2 976 pages, EUR 43.00 With more changes than any previous version, Java 5.0 makes it easier to develop safe, powerful code. But it isn't any easier to learn. That means the bestselling hands-on tutorial Learning Java takes on greater significance, delivering a no-nonsense approach to Java 5.0 features, such as "generics," and looks into the popular Eclipse IDE. The accompanying CD includes the Java 5.0 SDK for Windows, Linux and Solaris. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung finden Sie hier: Ein Probekapitel finden Sie hier: Chapter 8: Generics (PDF Format) 10. Swing Hacks (ab Mitte Juli lieferbar) ========================================== Tips and Tools for Killer GUIs Joshua Marinacci & Chris Adamson First Edition July 2005 ISBN 0-596-00907-0 512 pages, EUR 29.00 Swing Hacks helps Java developers move beyond the basics of Swing, the graphical user interface (GUI) standard since Java 2. The unique Hacks format provides short advanced tricks that you can instantly apply to increase your competency with interface-building tools. Example hacks include how to filter lists, power-up trees and tables, and add drag-and-drop support. 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From dresden-pm at Tue Jul 5 15:32:49 2005 From: dresden-pm at (Johannes Studt) Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 00:32:49 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Erinnerungen In-Reply-To: <20050606191716.GA12882@server> References: <20050603045735.GA3035@server> <> <20050606191716.GA12882@server> Message-ID: <> * Steffen Liebergeld [2005-06-06 21:17]: > Um zu testen, wie lange es wohl dauert bis man diese Mail mit > Suchmaschinen finden kann[0] füge ich hier mal einen hoffentlich > einzigartigen Begriff ein: lokDeackAn4 Nu wirdse gefunden. Gruß, Hannes -- Was den Menschen vom Tier unterscheidet, sind die Geldsorgen. (unbekannter Autor) From joerg.westphal at Wed Jul 6 05:40:02 2005 From: joerg.westphal at (Joerg Westphal) Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 14:40:02 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Perl Mongers Treffen Juli Message-ID: <> Und auch diesen Monat wieder! Donnerstag --> Perl Mongers. 7. Juli 2005; 2o.oo Uhr Medienkulturhaus (wo auch das 'Kino im Dach' ist) Schandauer Str. 64, 01277 Dresden Gruß Jörg From stepardo at Wed Jul 6 12:36:08 2005 From: stepardo at (Steffen Liebergeld) Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 21:36:08 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Perl Mongers Treffen Juli In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <20050706193608.GB10954@server> * Joerg Westphal [2005-07-06 19:08:07]: > Und auch diesen Monat wieder! > > Donnerstag --> Perl Mongers. Oha. Ich komme etwas später. -- mit freundlichen Grüßen, Steffen Liebergeld From joerg.westphal at Sat Jul 9 09:46:32 2005 From: joerg.westphal at (Joerg Westphal) Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 09:46:32 -0700 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, July 8 Message-ID: <> ---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------- Subject: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, July 8 Date: Freitag, 8. Juli 2005 23:25 From: Marsee Henon To: joerg.westphal at ================================================================ O'Reilly News for User Group Members July 8, 2005 ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Book News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -JBoss: A Developer's Notebook -SharePoint Office Pocket Guide -Project 2003 Personal Trainer -Astronomy Hacks -UML 2.0 in a Nutshell -Maven: A Developer's Notebook -Web Mapping Illustrated -Exchange Server Cookbook -ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook -Knoppix Pocket Reference -Mapping Hacks -Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide -Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger -MAKE Magazine Subscriptions Available ---------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming Events ---------------------------------------------------------------- -O'Reilly at LinuxWorld, San Francisco, CA--August 8-11 -David Pogue at Macworld Boston, SOHO Apple Store, and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center ---------------------------------------------------------------- Conference News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Register for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, OR--August 1-5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Top Ten Questions People Ask About Switching to Internet Telephones -Anti-spam Techniques -Hacking Maps -Making Your RSS Feed Look Pretty in a Browser -Google Launches Payment System to Compete With PayPal -ESR: "We Don't Need the GPL Anymore" -Problems in OpenSSH, Sudo, and Java -Secure Your MySQL Databases -What Developers Want -Music Gadgets -Going to the Movies (and More) in iTunes -Tweaking Tiger Mail -Is This Security Alert Really from Microsoft? -Atlas: Microsoft's Answer to Ajax -Generics in .NET 2.0 -Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP -Java City: The Java Enterprise Ecosystem -Getting Started with Maven -Seven Steps to Noise-Free Digital Audio -The Ultimate Portable Studio -MAKE: Audio--Interview with John Maushammer -MAKE: Blog--Podcasts on Audible ================================================ Book News ================================================ Did you know you can request a free book to review for your group? 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In fact, the book is a collection of hands-on labs that take you through the critical JBoss features step-by-step. Don't just read about JBoss, learn it through direct practical application. Chapter 9, "Rolling Out JBoss," is available online: ***SharePoint Office Pocket Guide Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596101120 With this handy reference as your guide, you can reap all the benefits of SharePoint. It shows you, in plain language, how to construct websites where individuals from all over can capture and share ideas. Learn how to upload documents, edit content, send alerts, track work items, add new team members, and much more. ***Project 2003 Personal Trainer Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596008546 Entertaining, clear, and informative, this book begins with the fundamentals of planning and managing a project with Microsoft Project 2003, and then includes sections on working with task lists, updating a project, tracking progress, creating reports, and more. 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Sample Hack 15, "Zoom Right in on Your Neighborhood," is available online: ***Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596009143 This concise guide introduces you to the fundamental concepts of using Mac OS X Tiger, including over 250 tips and tricks for using and configuring your system. It concentrates a wealth of tables, common keyboard shortcuts, tips for configuring your Mac, and an introduction to issuing basic Unix commands using the Terminal application into a package that is literally small enough to fit in your pocket. ***Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596009151 Thoroughly revised and updated for Mac OS X Tiger, this new edition introduces Mac users to the Terminal application and shows how to navigate the command interface, explore hundreds of Unix applications that come with the Mac, and, most importantly, take advantage of both the Mac and Unix interfaces. If you want to master the command line, look no further. 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If you're contemplating a switch, James has answers to ten most frequently asked questions about dropping your traditional telephone provider for broadband. ***Anti-spam Techniques No Starch's Jonathan Zdziarski ("Ending Spam") speaks about his DSPAM application and Bayesian filtering techniques. ***Hacking Maps You've got the address, but where is that in GPS terms? In these two excerpts from "Mapping Hacks," learn how to geocode (adding geographic coordinates, such as latitude and longitude, to other information) a US street address, as well as a whole database of addresses using the web services. html ***Making Your RSS Feed Look Pretty in a Browser As more and more non-techie websites offer syndication feeds, a growing number of non-technical readers are clicking on the links and filling their screens with confusing XML. But syndication content doesn't have to look like geeky markup or malformed text in your readers' browsers. 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Federico Biancuzzi recently interviewed ESR to gain more context for the statement and to explore these views more fully. ***Problems in OpenSSH, Sudo, and Java Noel Davis looks at problems in OpenSSH, Sudo, Sun Java, Blackdown Java, tcpdump, cpio, JBOSS, Adobe Reader and Acrobat, gedit, Gaim, and Trac. html ***Secure Your MySQL Databases With Security being on the forefront of many users' minds, it's very important to ensure that your own sites databases are properly tied down from intruders. Learn about the first steps to take here. ***What Developers Want Regardless of the language and platform you choose for development, you likely share some goals with your fellow developers: to be productive, to use good tools, and to keep your tools and processes out of your way while you create good software. Murugan Pal, CTO of SpikeSource, explains ten attributes he thinks developers want. --------------------- Mac --------------------- ***Music Gadgets Derrick Story wants to listen to music in a different way everyday. Here are the gadgets he's been testing to "shuffle" his setup for music playback. A few of these are real keepers. ***Going to the Movies (and More) in iTunes Have you played with the video functionality in iTunes? If not, J.D Biersdorfer presents a few things that Steve Jobs has mentioned--and a few he hasn't. J.D. is the author of "iPod and iTunes: The Missing Manual, 3rd Edition." ***Tweaking Tiger Mail The release of Mail 2.0 was largely overlooked amid all the fuss about Tiger's system-level features, but a number of people have made public complaints about changes made to the user interface. Mail's performance has improved, but the apparent willingness of Apple's designers to create an entirely new kind of toolbar icon just for use in Mail has irritated some. Giles Turnbull shows you how to bring happiness back to Mail. --------------------- Windows/.NET --------------------- ***Is This Security Alert Really from Microsoft? An excellent way to get information about Windows updates is via email with Microsoft Technical Security Notification Services. But how do you know what's real and what's a spoof? Mitch Tulloch, author of "Windows Server Hacks," shows you. ***Atlas: Microsoft's Answer to Ajax Microsoft is putting together a toolkit for Web Developers who want to use AJAX (Asychronous JavaScript and XML). ***Generics in .NET 2.0 Generics in .NET 2.0 permeates with potential. But what are generics? Are they for you? Should you use them in your apps? Venkat Subramaniam, author of ".NET Gotchas," answers these questions and take a closer look at using generics, and their capabilities and limitations. ***Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP With Bluetooth support built into SP2, getting a Bluetooth headset to work should be a breeze. But it ain't necessarily so. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to do it. --------------------- Java --------------------- ***Java City: The Java Enterprise Ecosystem Should we worry about promoting a healthy Java community? Or iseverything just fine in Java City? Jim Farley asks you to weigh in on these questions, and others, in the Talkbacks. He plans a follow up article summarizing what you have to say. Your comments may help to shape content in Jim's upcoming book, "Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition," due out in the fall. ***Getting Started with Maven In this excerpt from "Maven: A Developer's Notebook," authors Vincent Massol and Timothy M. O'Brien show you how to install and start working with Maven, the do-it-all Java project builder/manager. --------------------- Digital Media --------------------- ***Seven Steps to Noise-Free Digital Audio Virtually all audio recordings will contain some amount of noise. Learn what causes it, how to avoid it, and how to remove it from your files. Based on "Digital Audio Essentials" by Bruce and Marty Fries. ***The Ultimate Portable Studio If you're a musician, producer, engineer, or songwriter who wants to set up a professional, laptop-based recording studio, here's all the information you need. Part Two: --------------------- MAKE --------------------- ***MAKE: Audio--Interview with John Maushammer John is a talented hardware tinkerer who's leading the way to reusing disposable digital cameras, and now the new CVS disposable digital video camcorder. Tune into hear how he does it. Don't forget to add the MAKE feed to iTunes 4.9. Click this link: 73330671 (and then click SUBSCRIBE). ***MAKE: Blog--Podcasts on Audible Audible announced that they're supporting the podcast way of delivering some of their content. You can add a URL (RSS feed) to a podcasting application and the stuff you buy on Audible will go to your computer/music player just like all the free podcasts you subscribe to. So here's how it all works, plus the good, the bad, and the how-to for some other things. ***For more information on MAKE, go to: ================================================ From Your Peers ================================================ ***Don't forget to check out the O'Reilly UG wiki to see what user groups around the globe are up to: Until next time-- Marsee Henon ================================================================ O'Reilly 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA 95472 ================================================================ ------------------------------------------------------- From email at Fri Jul 15 13:17:02 2005 From: email at (Torsten Werner) Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 22:17:02 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] =?iso-8859-1?q?Perl-Projekt_ver=F6ffentlichen?= Message-ID: <> Hallo Leute, ich habe mal ein Perl-Modul für den neuen inotify-Mechanismus des Linux-Kernel 2.6.13rc3 geschrieben. Die Sachen liegen unter bereit. Alles schön objektorientiert, inklusive Doku und ein Beispielprogramm ( Was muss ich jetzt machen, um das richtig rund zu bekommen? Über Tipps würde ich mich freuen. Vielen Dank, Torsten From schwigon at Mon Jul 18 03:06:38 2005 From: schwigon at (Steffen Schwigon) Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:06:38 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] =?iso-8859-1?q?Perl-Projekt_ver=F6ffentlichen?= In-Reply-To: <> (Torsten Werner's message of "Fri, 15 Jul 2005 22:17:02 +0200") References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi! Torsten Werner writes: > ich habe mal ein Perl-Modul für den neuen inotify-Mechanismus des > Linux-Kernel 2.6.13rc3 geschrieben. Die Sachen liegen unter > bereit. Alles schön > objektorientiert, inklusive Doku und ein Beispielprogramm ( > Was muss ich jetzt machen, um das richtig rund zu bekommen? Über Tipps > würde ich mich freuen. Sehr schön. Ich hab' mal bissel was aufgeschrieben, aber nicht 100% durchprobiert. Wenn Du magst, kannst Du mir das Resultat vorher noch zeigen, bevor Du es veröffentlichst, da guck ich nochmal drüber. Ich finde mit Sicherheit noch was. :-) Ich empfehle folgendes Vorgehen: - Du solltest möglichst noch ein Stück Namespace einschieben, es gibt z.B. schon Linux:: im CPAN, das würde ich empfehlen. Wenn Dir das nicht reicht, Du unischer bist oder keinen weiteren Namespace möchtest, fragst Du am besten in der Perl-Mailingliste comp.lang.perl.modules nach. Auf CPAN herrscht Anarchie, Du kannst es auch ohne weiteren Namespace hochladen, ohne daß Dich einer verhaftet, aber nützlicher wär's mit. - Nimm Dir ein Vorbild-Modul her, z.B. Acme::PM::Dresden auf CPAN, das hat extra eine saubere Struktur zu Anschauungszwecken. - In nimmst Du eine Versionsnummer auf, mit folgenden Zeilen ziemlich am Anfang bei den "use"-Zeilen: use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.01'; - Du erzeugst eine Datei-/Verzeichnisstruktur wie folgt: ./trunk/Linux/Inotify/ ./trunk/Linux/Inotify/ ./trunk/Linux/ ./trunk/eg/ ./trunk/README ./trunk/MANIFEST.SKIP ./trunk/Makefile.PL ./trunk/LICENSE ./trunk/INSTALL ./trunk/ChangeLog ./trunk/Build.PL - In Build.PL schreibst Du etwa sowas rein: ---- schnipp ------------------------------------------------------- use Module::Build; my $build = new Module::Build ( module_name => 'Linux::Inotify', license => 'gpl', requires => { perl => '5.6.1', POSIX => 0, }, create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough', ); $build->create_build_script; $build->create_makefile_pl; ---- schnapp ------------------------------------------------------- - Fülle die Dateien README, INSTALL, LICENSE, ChangeLog nach Vorbild von Acme::PM::Dresden. - Wenn Du ein Perl-Superheld werden möchtest, schreibst Du in einem Unterverzeichnis ./trunk/t/ auch noch ein paar Testskripte, z.B. nach Vorbild Acme::PM::Dresden. Kannst Du Die aber auch für spätere Versionen aufheben. - Erzeuge eine Datei MANIFEST.SKIP wie diese hier: ---- schnipp ------------------------------------------------------- ^_build ^Build$ ^blib ~$ \.bak$ cover_db TODO .*\/?CVS\/.+$ .*\/?\.svn\/.+$ .cvsignore .svnignore ^Makefile$ ^Linux-Inotify-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ^Linux-Inotify-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.tar\.gz$ ---- schnapp ------------------------------------------------------- - Mache einmal im trunk/-Verzeichnis folgende Kommandos: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build manifest ./Build dist ./Build distclean - "Linux-Inotify-0.01.tar.gz" testen; z.B. in /tmp/ auspacken und im entstandenen Verzeichnis /tmp/Linux/Inotify-0.01/ das probieren: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build install (ggf. als root) - Wenn Du das auf CPAN hochladen möchtest, gehe zu und drücke links "Request PAUSE account". Mit dem Account den Du paar Stunden/Minuten später hast, loggst Du Dich auf ein. - Uploade Deine Datei "Linux-Inotify-0.01.tar.gz" über den Punkt "upload a file to CPAN". Gib am besten ein Target directory "inotify" an und nutze gleich den ersten Abschnitt für Browser-Upload. Achtung. Die tar.gz-Datei muss unbedingt eine Versionsnummer enthalten, da Du nie mehrmals den gleichen Dateinamen uploaden kannst. - Paar Minuten/Stunden später isses online. GreetinX Steffen -- Steffen Schwigon Dresden Perl Mongers From email at Mon Jul 18 12:06:32 2005 From: email at (Torsten Werner) Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:06:32 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Perl-Projekt =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ver=F6ffentlichen?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hallo Steffen, Steffen Schwigon wrote: [ganz viele Tipps] soweit so gut, aber: > - Mache einmal im trunk/-Verzeichnis folgende Kommandos: > > perl Build.PL $ perl Build.PL Can't open 'lib/Linux/' for version: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/share/perl5/Module/Build/ line 600. Was ist hier falsch? 'lib/' steht nirgends drin, hmm. Der aktuelle Stand des Pakets liegt unter . Einen Account auf pause habe ich mittlerweile auch. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe, Torsten From schwigon at Tue Jul 19 01:46:29 2005 From: schwigon at (Steffen Schwigon) Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:46:29 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] =?iso-8859-1?q?Perl-Projekt_ver=F6ffentlichen?= In-Reply-To: <> (Torsten Werner's message of "Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:06:32 +0200") References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Torsten Werner writes: > Hallo Steffen, > > > Steffen Schwigon wrote: > [ganz viele Tipps] > > soweit so gut, aber: > >> - Mache einmal im trunk/-Verzeichnis folgende Kommandos: >> >> perl Build.PL > > $ perl Build.PL > Can't open 'lib/Linux/' for version: Datei oder Verzeichnis > nicht gefunden at /usr/share/perl5/Module/Build/ line 600. > > Was ist hier falsch? 'lib/' steht nirgends drin, hmm. Ja, ich hab in meiner Beschreibung das lib/-Verzeichnis vergessen. Mach mal in trunk/ ein mkdir lib mv Linux lib/ bzw. die SVN-Äquivalente dazu. Gleich noch paar Anmerkungen: * Du wirst dann noch eine Meldung Linux/ Unknown command paragraph "=heah1 DESCRIPTION" bekommen. * Ich sehe, daß Du die Lizenz auf "perl" umgestellt hast. Das bedeutet praktisch dual licensing (GPL oder Artistic), nicht mehr Dein originales "GPL only". Find ich ok, weil es Perl-Kultur ist, ich wollte es nur nochmal erwähnen, damit es Dir wirklich bewußt ist. * Ich nenne meine Versionsnummern im Nachkommateil immer mit führender Null, also '0.01', weil es buggy Situationen gibt, wo Software den Unterschied zwischen 0.10 und 0.1 nicht hinbekommt (z.B. alte YAML-Versionen). * Beim Upload auf PAUSE in der Web-GUI vergisst man leicht, sein Unterverzeichnis (z.B. "inotify") entweder anzulegen oder, wenn vorhanden, aus der Listbox auszuwählen. Dann landet das Paket in Deinem CPAN-Archiv im Wurzelverzeichnis. Ist auch nicht schlimm, aber es hilft, sich zu merken, daß man immer *zwei* Dinge vor dem Upload-Knopf gesetzt haben muß, "Target Directory" und Dateiname. Alternativ nimmt man sich gar nicht erst vor, seine vielen zukünftigen Softwarepakete in Unterverzeichnissen zu sortieren, weil es eh' nicht die eigene Platte ist und eh' alles über die Web-GUI von CPAN präsentiert wird. Jo, ansonsten "Raus damit und rum damit und volle Energie". GreetinX Steffen -- Steffen Schwigon Dresden Perl Mongers From email at Tue Jul 19 13:58:34 2005 From: email at (Torsten Werner) Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 22:58:34 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Perl-Projekt =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ver=F6ffentlichen?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Kaum macht man es richtig, dann klappt es auch. Steffen Schwigon wrote: > Jo, ansonsten "Raus damit und rum damit und volle Energie". Gerade erledigt, danke für die Hilfe. Die Lizenz ist jetzt konsistent perl und die Versionsnummer 0.01. Danke für die Hilfe, Torsten From joerg.westphal at Tue Jul 26 22:11:02 2005 From: joerg.westphal at (Joerg Westphal) Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 22:11:02 -0700 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 22 Message-ID: <> ---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------- Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 22 Date: Samstag, 23. Juli 2005 02:38 From: Marsee Henon To: joerg.westphal at ================================================================ O'Reilly News for User Group Members July 22, 2005 ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Book News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook -Write Portable Code -Home Networking: The Missing Manual -Perl Best Practices -Talk Is Cheap -Switching to VoIP -Ending Spam -Swing Hacks -Word Annoyances -Advanced Perl Programming, Second Edition -MAKE Magazine Subscriptions Available ---------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming Events ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Jeremy Zawodny ("High Performance MySQL"), Open Tech 2005, London, UK--July 23 -UKUUG Linux 2005 Conference, University of Wales--August 4-7 -O'Reilly at LinuxWorld, San Francisco, CA--August 8-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Conference News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Visit the 2005 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Exhibit Hall for Free -Register for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, OR--August 1-5 -Registration is Open for EuroOSCON ---------------------------------------------------------------- News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -New Annoyances Central Site -O'Reilly Nominated for Lovemarks -Choosing the Best Star Atlases -Information Security with Colin Percival -Calculating the True Price of Software -Learning Lab: Save 50% on the Open Source Programming Certificate Series -Building an OpenBSD Live CD -The Virtual Referral: Mitigating Risk by Hiring Open Source Developers -PHP 5.1's Killer Features -David Pogue Photos from Mug Event -Programming with Spotlight -An Introduction to Tiger Terminal, Part 3 -How to End Wars Between Testers and Programmers -Unit Testing in .NET Projects -Making Internet Phone Calls Using Skype -Taking JUnit Out of the Box -What Is Business Process Modeling? -What Is Podcasting? -Gary Garritan: A Personal Orchestra for Everyone -My Five Favorite Soft Synths -HOW TO Make Enhanced Podcasts -Phil Torrone on "Attack of the Show" -MAKE Volume 03 at the Press ================================================ Book News ================================================ Did you know you can request a free book to review for your group? 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Once mastered, these lessons will help you ensure low-level code correctness, reduce software development cycle time, and ease maintenance burdens. You don't have to be a diehard Perl developer to use this book; you just have to want to do your job a little bit better. Chapter 4, "Distributing Your Tests (and Code)", is available online: ***Write Portable Code Publisher: No Starch ISBN: 1593270569 This handy book contains the lessons, patterns, and knowledge for developing cross-platform software that programmers usually must acquire through sheer trial and error. Targeted at intermediate-to-advanced programmers, it is a valuable resource for designers of cross-platform software, programmers looking to extend their skills to additional platforms, and programmers faced with the tricky task of moving code from one platform to another. ***Home Networking: The Missing Manual Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 059600558X Using clear language, straightforward explanations, and a dash of humor, this Missing Manual shows you how to do everything you need to set up a home network. Including both Windows and Mac info, it will help you understand the difference between what you need to know to create and use your home network and what's best left to system administrators. Chapter 5, "Using the Network with Windows Computers," is available online: ***Perl Best Practices Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596001738 This collection of 256 guidelines on the art of coding will help you write the best Perl code you possibly can. The guidelines cover code layout, naming conventions, choice of data and control structures, program decomposition, interface design and implementation, modularity, object orientation, error handling, testing, and debugging. Offering only guidelines that actually work, this book presents coherent and widely applicable suggestions based on real-world experience. Chapter 9, "Subroutines," is available online: ***Talk Is Cheap Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596009607 A straightforward, quick introduction to the ins and outs of using VoIP and other internet telephone options, this book details how to make the switch and what the tradeoffs will be. In addition, you will learn advanced techniques, including how to turn your Palm or Pocket PC into an internet phone and how to work with Wi-Fi phones and videophones. Chapter 3, "Free Internet Phone Features That You're Paying For Now," is available online: ***Switching to VoIP Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596008686 Based on real-world experience, this handy manual addresses the most common VoIP migration challenges. Learn how to build your own VoIP system, install it, and begin making calls. You'll also explore the strengths and weaknesses of circuit-switched and packet-switched networks, how VoIP systems impact network infrastructure, as well as solutions for common challenges involved with IP voice migrations. Ideal for IT managers, network engineers, and system administrators. Chapter 14, "Traditional Apps on the Converged Network," is available online: ***Ending Spam Publisher: No Starch ISBN: 1593270526 This landmark title describes, in-depth, how statistical filtering is being used by next-generation spam filters to identify and filter spam, how spam filtering works, and how language classification and machine learning combine to produce remarkably accurate spam filters. Readers gain a complete understanding of the mathematical approaches used in today's spam filters, decoding, tokenization, the use of various algorithms, and the benefits of using open source solutions to end spam. ***Swing Hacks Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596009070 Packed with programming lessons, this book will show you how to extend Swing's rich component set in advanced ways. The hacks touch upon the entire Swing gamut--tables, trees, sliders, spinners, progress bars, internal frames, and text components. You'll learn how to filter lists, power up trees and tables, add drag-and-drop support, and generally increase your competency with interface-building tools. Sample Hack 89, "Fun with Keyboard Lights," is available online: ***Word Annoyances Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596009542 This helpful book offers to-the-point solutions to your most vexing editing, formatting, printing, faxing, and scanning problems. It covers everything from installation and templates to tables, columns, and graphics. It also provides a gentle introduction to the power of macros so you can slay your annoyances by the truckload. The fixes will work with most versions of Word, including Word 2000, 2002 (XP), and 2003. Chapter 3, "Text Entry and Editing," is available online: ***Advanced Perl Programming, Second Edition Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596004567 O'Reilly's most high-level Perl tutorial to date, this book teaches you all the complex techniques for production-ready Perl programs. This completely updated guide clearly explains concepts such as introspection, overriding built-ins, extending Perl's object-oriented model, and testing your code for greater stability. Whatever your current level of Perl expertise, this book will help you push your skills to the next level. Chapter 3, "Templating Tools," is available online: ***MAKE Magazine Subscriptions Available The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--the first one plus four more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this great offer for charter subscribers: five volumes for the cost of four. Subscribe at: ================================================ Upcoming Events ================================================ ***For more events, please see: ***Jeremy Zawodny ("High Performance MySQL"), Open Tech 2005, London, UK--July 23 This event features "Yahoo Troublemaker" and author Jeremy Zawodny. O'Reilly will be there selling books. ***UKUUG Linux 2005 Conference, University of Wales--August 4-7 O'Reilly will be there selling books. ***O'Reilly at LinuxWorld, San Francisco, CA--August 8-11 Stop by our booth to check out our latest Linux and open source titles. We'll also have info on some of our groovy new projects like Make, Safari, and SafariU. Moscone Center, Booth #818 ================================================ Conference News ================================================ ***Visit the 2005 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Exhibit Hall for Free This year's OSCON Exhibit Hall is the largest in our seven-year history, and will feature a virtual "who's who" of open source companies. From exciting start-ups such as ActiveGrid, BlackDuck Software, LogicBlaze, MarvelIT, Merchere, Palamida, SpikeSource, Sourcebeat, SourceLabs, and SugarCRM to industry giants like Apple Computer, Computer Associates, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Novell, Sun Microsystems, and Yahoo!, you'll find the latest software and hardware offerings for your enterprise, small or large. To register for your free exhibit hall pass, please visit: ***Register for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, OR--August 1-5 OSCON 2005 explores three deep trends affecting open source: the commoditization of software, network-enabled collaboration, and software customizability. Join us at this essential gathering of open source leaders and practitioners of every persuasion to exchange ideas and push the boundaries of vital open source technologies. This year, we introduce the Open Source Business Review, along with a host of other exciting presentations and events. 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Check out the Daily Fix, the Experts' Blog, and Robert's Rant for the most annoying annoyances--and their fixes, of course. You can even subscribe to the RSS feed and have piping-hot annoyances delivered straight to you. ***O'Reilly Nominated for Lovemarks The creators of Lovemarks wondered what makes some brands wildly inspirational and came up with Lovemarks, a celebration of respect and loyalty. "Take a brand away and people will find a replacement. Take a Lovemark away and people will protest its absence." Folks can nominate brands that inspire "loyalty beyond reason," and we're thrilled to be in the mix. Show your love! ***Choosing the Best Star Atlases Whether you're an observer of deep-sky objects with your 20-inch Dobsonian reflector, or an amateur astronomer enjoying a simple night of stargazing with your binoculars, it's helpful to know which star atlases best suit your needs. Avid astronomers Robert and Barbara Thompson describe the atlases they use and their reasons for choosing them. Robert and Barbara are the authors of Astronomy Hacks. ***Information Security with Colin Percival The recent disclosure of side-channel techniques to retrieve cryptographic secrets on hyperthreading machines caused stirs in security and operating system development communities. Colin Percival, a FreeBSD security officer, reported the vulnerability and weathered the questions and criticisms. Michael W. Lucas recently interviewed him on this vulnerability, vendors' responses, and security research. --------------------- Open Source --------------------- ***Calculating the True Price of Software Businesses have long viewed support and maintenance as essential components of software. Open source business models often focus on charging for support and customization. Is there an economic model that can demonstrate the true worth of a piece of software and the option for support, maintenance, and upgrades? Robert Lefkowitz argues that open source exposes the true value of software itself as, essentially, worth less in comparison to support and maintenance. ***Learning Lab: Save 50% on the Open Source Programming Certificate Series Our Open Source Programming Certificate Series will teach you the core technical skills necessary to fully understand programming using Linux or Unix operating systems, languages, libraries, and databases. Completion of this series also earns you a Certificate of Professional Development through the University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education. For two weeks only, save 50% on all Open Source Programing Certificate Series classes. Offer ends July 31st. ***Building an OpenBSD Live CD Linux isn't the only operating system that boots and runs off a CD. OpenBSD does as well. Kevin Lo uses his for didactic purposes, but this is a good example for taking your desktop or firewall along with you. Here's how to build and customize an OpenBSD installation on a CD. ***The Virtual Referral: Mitigating Risk by Hiring Open Source Developers Hiring a new employee is almost always a risk, and hiring the wrong employee can prove a costly mistake for managers. Brian Fitzpatrick suggests you hire an open source programmer. Find out why doing so mitigates the risks involved in hiring. Meet Brian at O'Reilly's Open Source Convention, where he'll be leading a Subversion tutorial and a session on switching from CVS to Subversion. ***PHP 5.1's Killer Features Learn about PHP Data Objects, perhaps the greatest new feature in PHP 5.1. --------------------- Mac --------------------- ***David Pogue Photos from our recent MUG event at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center: at N00/sets/625100/ (Special Thanks to Don Nelson of DVMUG for sending these along.) ***Programming with Spotlight The API for Spotlight offers highly advanced search capabilities. In fact, you can develop some of the very features of Tiger we've already grown to love using Spotlight's API. In this piece, Matthew Russell will ease you into Spotlight programming from a Cocoa dev perspective, showing you how to make your applications Spotlight enabled ***An Introduction to Tiger Terminal, Part 3 In Part 3 of this Tiger Terminal introduction, you'll learn some helpful commands that you can use to view information about your network, including netstat, nslookup, traceroute, and more. ***How to End Wars Between Testers and Programmers There's a natural conflict between testers and programmers because of the difference in perspective each role has. The best way to end struggles is to redefine the goals of the work so that their roles can be collaborative, not adversarial. In this article, Scott Berkun draws upon his years of project-leading experience to provide some inside tips for managing your development team. Scott is the author of The Art of Project Management. --------------------- Windows/.NET --------------------- ***Unit Testing in .NET Projects Now is a pretty exciting time for unit testing in .NET. Tremendous progress is being made on several fronts: IDE integration, process integration, and new test fixtures. Jay Flowers and Andrew Stopford explain how to use Visual Studio's new integrated unit testing, as well as the NUnit and MbUnit testing frameworks. ***Making Internet Phone Calls Using Skype Skype lets you use the internet to make phone calls to other Skype users and also to regular telephones. Wei-Meng Lee shows you how to set it up and start talking. --------------------- Java --------------------- ***Taking JUnit Out of the Box JUnit is practically ubiquitous among Java developers as a way to test code, but it's somewhat limited by the fact that it's only meant to run in one JVM on one box, hampering its usefulness when developing distributed applications. In this article, Amir Shevat shows how the open source JUnit extension Pisces helps JUnit overcome this limitation. ***What Is Business Process Modeling? Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a set of technologies and standards for the design, execution, administration, and monitoring of business processes. In this article, Mike Havey, author of Essential Business Process Modeling, briefly describes the state of BPM today and the BPM standards, then builds an ideal BPM architecture using the example of a retailer process. html --------------------- Digital Media --------------------- ***What Is Podcasting? So, you're ready to hop on the podcasting bandwagon, but you're not sure how to get started? This article by Phillip Torrone briefly describes what podcasting is and the software you'll need, then takes you right to the fun with a comprehensive step-by-step guide to podcast production. From recording to editing to publishing and syndicating your podcasts, Phillip covers everything you need to know to serve up your first podcasts. ***Gary Garritan: A Personal Orchestra for Everyone Producer Gary Garritan has made it his mission to put a high-quality digital orchestra in your hands--along with extensive free training. Hear how composers have seized the opportunity. ***My Five Favorite Soft Synths Looking for sonic inspiration? Synthesizer guru Jim Aikin reveals his top five virtual instruments, explains why they're great, and shares custom MP3 examples. --------------------- MAKE --------------------- ***HOW TO make Enhanced Podcasts (Images, Links, and More with Audio) Apple's new iTunes 4.9 allows you to view (and listen to) "enhanced podcasts." These are audio files that can have slideshows, URLs and some cool features we have discovered. Here's how to get, make and all you need to know about enhanced podcasts! As a bonus, MAKE has put together some fun ideas they think many might use. ***Phil Torrone on "Attack of the Show" Here's the video of MAKE's Associate Editor Phillip Torrone on G4TV's Attack of the Show. The show aired on Friday, July 15. He showed off some user submitted projects, hacks, mods, and blew up stuff with a high powered green laser. ***MAKE Volume 03 at the Press The third volume of MAKE magazine is at the press, and we have the Flickr photo stream to prove it. Our designers signed off on the final cover and raved that this is the hottest volume yet. 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From joerg.westphal at Wed Jul 27 00:44:51 2005 From: joerg.westphal at (Joerg Westphal) Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 09:44:51 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 22 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Joerg Westphal schrieb: Ich mach hier mal die Ingrid. ;-) > Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 22 > ***Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook > Publisher: O'Reilly > ISBN: 0596100922 > With this series of hands-on labs, you'll learn how Perl's test tools > work and how to use them effectively. Once mastered, these lessons will > help you ensure low-level code correctness, reduce software development > cycle time, and ease maintenance burdens. You don't have to be a diehard > Perl developer to use this book; you just have to want to do your job a > little bit better. > Das Büchlein würde ich mal für ein Review bestellen. Wenn noch jemand ein anderes Buch beschreiben will, bitte den Titel bekannt geben, dann kann ich eine Sammelbestellung bei O`Reilly abgeben. Jörg From stepardo at Wed Jul 27 02:32:36 2005 From: stepardo at (Steffen Liebergeld) Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 11:32:36 +0200 Subject: [Dresden-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 22 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Am 27.07.05 schrieb Joerg Westphal : > Joerg Westphal schrieb: > > Ich mach hier mal die Ingrid. ;-) [.] > Das Büchlein würde ich mal für ein Review bestellen. Wenn noch jemand > ein anderes Buch beschreiben will, bitte den Titel bekannt geben, dann > kann ich eine Sammelbestellung bei O`Reilly abgeben. Ich meld mich bis spätestens Samstag nochmal. Hab grade Prüfungsstress und hab daher jetzt keine Zeit um mich für ein Buch zu entscheiden. -- mit freundlichen Grüssen Steffen Liebergeld