[DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Larry Emmett LEmmett at efji.com
Wed Feb 27 16:19:37 PST 2013

I suddenly feel much older than I did a bit ago.

The year showing here is 2000 (http://computer-programming-forum.com/53-perl/b74b1a646f64f07e.htm) which is wrong, it was before that.  The text of the original announcement read as follows:

The first meeting of the Dallas Perl Mongers is on:

  Date:  Wednesday, July 15
  Time:  7:00pm
  Place: Juan's Cantina, southwest corner of Central
         Espressway and Belt Line Rd, Richardson.
When you get there, tell 'em you're with "The Perl Group".
(I really don't want to try to explain to the management
what a "Perl Monger" is.)
Agenda:    7:00  Get there.
           7:10  Order refreshments.
           7:30  Throw security badges into the basket
                 for the drawing.  Whose ever badge you
                 draw, you have to pretend to be that person
                 for the rest of the year.  First one to get
                 promoted wins a free subscription to TPJ.
See ya there.

From: Dfw-pm [mailto:dfw-pm-bounces+lemmett=efji.com at pm.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:45 PM
To: dfw-pm at pm.org
Subject: Re: [DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Anybody remember the date the group was started?  I think 15 years of parsing should be celebrated.  Perhaps with flaming Dr. Peppers....


Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G Touch

Tommy Butler <dfwpm at internetalias.net<mailto:dfwpm at internetalias.net>> wrote:
To be more specific-- you can have a Dr. Pepper with me too, if beer isn't your thing.

--Tommy Butler

On 02/27/2013 05:34 PM, Tommy Butler wrote:
Well, quite a few mongers kick back with a beer by their laptop at our meetings.  To anyone who hasn't already done so-- come on out!  Chug one down!  Be awesome!

--Tommy Butler

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