[DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Brent LaVelle brentlavelle at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 16:15:46 PST 2013

I feel like it was longer than 15 years ago but all the e-mail accounts I was using prior to 15 years ago are long gone.

 From: Andrew Robertson <critter_75075 at yahoo.com>
To: dfw-pm at pm.org 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Anybody remember the date the group was started?  I think 15 years of parsing should be celebrated.  Perhaps with flaming Dr. Peppers....


Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G Touch
Tommy Butler <dfwpm at internetalias.net> wrote:
To be more specific-- you can have a Dr. Pepper with me too, if beer isn't your thing.

--Tommy Butler

On 02/27/2013 05:34 PM, Tommy Butler wrote: 
Well, quite a few mongers kick back with a beer by their laptop at our meetings.  To anyone who hasn't already done so-- come on out!  Chug one down!  Be awesome!
>--Tommy Butler
Dfw-pm mailing list
Dfw-pm at pm.org
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