[DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Andrew Robertson critter_75075 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 15:31:49 PST 2013

Assumed it was a joke, but still...  I still remember my first discussion with Brand.  Something to the effect of:

The mailing list is only to decide when we go out for beer.  The list is pretty quiet, until someone notices we havn't been out in a while.  Then they write and suggest we have a beer.  That's pretty much how the group works.  But, some of us substitute Dr. Pepper for beer.

That was in 98 I believe.  If I had to suggest a charter it would be something to the effect of Beer Parsers.



Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G TouchTommy Butler <dfwpm at internetalias.net> wrote:HA!  We have a winner!  You see, we still need one  :-D and It was very nice/generous of you to volunteer to draft it for us.

Just kidding of course.

I think somebody already told me once that our charter was: "We Are Awesome", or something along those lines.

That is all.

Tommy Butler

On 02/27/2013 05:07 PM, Andrew Robertson wrote:
What charter?
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