[DFW.pm] DFW.pm mailing list and jobs

Andrew Robertson critter_75075 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 15:07:16 PST 2013

I agree, Perl related jobs are relevant to this discussion group.  Although, I think there was a request at one point to make sure job postings are clearly marked in the subject so they can be ignored if appropriate.

Even if I am not looking, I do enjoy reading relevant job postings, if only to know what I should be studying.

What charter?


Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G TouchKirk Nicholson <kirk.nicholson at gmail.com> wrote:IMHO Perl related job postings are NOT spam. If this forum can narrow an otherwise difficult job search for those best qualified to do the job, so be it.

On Feb 27, 2013 1:35 PM, "Tommy Butler" <dfwpm at internetalias.net> wrote:
We get recruiter "spam" from time to time on this mailing list.  For some, it's appreciated.  For most, it's annoying because it's a technical mailing list were we discuss technical things and not other matters.

Today I beg your indulgence for a slightly off-topic post, non-technical in nature, but Perl-related and for the potential benefit of our membership.  In our first meeting since the "reboot" of DFW.pm, I explained that our projects together were to accomplish at least these two things -- to have fun and to learn skills that were valuable in today's workplace.  Two big wins, to exercise and enjoy however you want.

So having said that, I wanted to disclose that I know about some open jobs in the DFW area.  I will probably seldom if ever mention this again out of respect to the charter of our group and the mailing list in general.  But for the benefit of those who are seeking work in today's difficult times I wanted to let you know that the things you are learning in our meetings are skills that are in high demand in today's business world.  Right here in DFW I am aware of jobs that require people with our Perl skill set.  They are local, legit, and pay nicely.

If you or a friend is looking for employment, that can be a tough place to be.  I know; I've been there.  If you are looking for employment, please ping me off-list at <dfwpm at internetalias dot net> and I can give you specific details.

Thanks for the great discussions we've had recently on the list.  I'm really looking forward to our next meeting.

Until then, keep improving.

--Tommy Butler

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