[DFW.pm] Not only was Patrick right, but Vim backs him up...

kevin kbrannen at pwhome.com
Fri Feb 22 20:04:18 PST 2013

On 02/21/2013 05:30 PM, Tommy Butler wrote:
> What does your .vimrc look like?  I always like to see what goodies
> there are to be found in the .vimrc files of fellow Perl hackers :-D

Something I've done for a long time in my .vimrc and find useful is:

map ,c :'a,'bs/^/#/
map ,u :'a,'bs/^#//

Then I can mark a range of lines with 'a and 'b, then hit ,c and the 
range is commented out. Similarly, ,u uncomments a range of lines.


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