[DCPM] Maypole 2.11 developer release / pre-release on cpan

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 02:48:22 PDT 2006

Hello you lot,

You might be interested to know that you can get a funky new Maypole
2.11 beta from cpan.

Known issues are in rt.cpan.org, but the only real one at the moment
is get arguments when using mod_perl2 without libapreq2, which will be
fixed before the final release.

I'm hoping we'll get some good feedback from this release, and that it
can be used until the real 2.11 is rock solid and ready to go live.

You'll see a lot of improvements over older versions of maypole and
hopefully get an idea of the direction that myself and peter speltz
want to take it into - namely a well integrated MVC application server
using CDBI and TT.

The next release will be focussing on performance and much better form
handling using Data::FormValidator (but backwards compatible with
earlier releases that use CGI::Untaint).



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