[DCPM] To quote or not to quote.

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 06:41:42 PDT 2005

> > No point using something crippled like HTML::Template for any serious
> > work. I find HTML::Template fails to work well for even fairly trivial
> > stuff like email bodies once you use any objects or complex data.
> I use it for most things and find the if you make your data structure
> well, then it works like a dream.

Only if well equals a hash of arrays of hashes ;)

Actually I used H::T the other day for email but only for trivial mail
merging, anything else I use TT for as I can use objects and don't
have to munge data into the hugely limiting and frankly crippling
H-o-A-o-H arrangement.

When I used H::T at a previous employer for a fairly complex web
application it was a giant pain in the ass and we even experienced
bugs which we had to munge our data even more to get around.

Using TT from the start saves a lot of pain ;)


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