DCPM: perltutopen blues....

Steve Marvell steve at devon-it.co.uk
Mon Jul 7 04:43:28 CDT 2003

Matthew Browning wrote:

> FWIW, I typically use IO::File because it allows you to treat a 
> filehandle as a scalar (by returning a reference to one) which is cool 
> if you want a painless way to build an array of them or chuck them 
> around various functions etc.

I've never had a problem building an array of file handles.

> > My script has gained a plethora of "options", including the
> > ubiquitous "--debug" ;-)
> >
> > Maybe trying to learn emacs and perl at the same time was a bit
> > ambitious, but it will be the best indented code I've written in
> > ages.
> They make a good team:
> C-x h C-u M-| perl -pe 'EXPR' (Mark Jason Dominus)

What does that do for you?

> That is quite handy.  Also, check out M-x cperl-perldoc for
> context-specific help.  Use cperl-mode, not the default perl-mode
> with GNU Emacs.

I still hve problems with even cperl-mode and certain regex, quoting
or here doc indentation.

> I guess the Camel is your best bet.  I have read pretty much all the 
> books there are on Perl (seriously) and if there is one that really 
> made me think *wow* it is `Object-Oriented Perl' by Damien Conway 
> (Manning).  Having said that, it does not address your problem.

I wowwed at Data Munging and Computer Science and Perl Programming.


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