[Cologne-pm] YAPC::Europe::2003

Gustav Vella gvella at spinfo.uni-koeln.de
Mon Apr 28 16:50:45 CDT 2003

On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Damon Davison wrote:

> I think I understand---and your point is well-taken: the people
> on this list are boring, anyway. ;^) *  I was, however, hoping
> that one or two of them who is most familiar with my programming
> skills might chime in.

..and thus did the Maltese on the list chime in  :) ... olala la-cravate :)) quelle subtilité
ce nom ...makes me long for those lascivious parisiennes and the feminine
grace I so much miss over here..You see! there goes a irrefutable 'tangible'
reason for paris.

nichtdestotrotz muss ich sagen, dass 100 EuroBucks ein heftiges Sümmchen sind
für einen ebenso schlechtbezahlten HiWi. Die Efrahrung in Amsterdam war ganz
nett und die Mongers dort sehr freundlich (Christian it's your turn :)
..allerdings ist die Auswahl der Stadt einfach zu schön um den ganzen Tag
drinnen zu verbringen..In der Hinsicht sind die proritäten Klar.

> I really appreciated it and your German is a lot better that some
> people who have been living here for years.  Really.  Take that
> Maltese** on the list, for example...

ce connard de 'demon' ce moque de moi ;->

however D at vid my full praise for your effort with kraut-speak. You got your
point pinned down with a certain lyricism which breaks the bounds of
verbal constraints.. Apart from that you will definitely go down in memory as the
best english-spoken frenchyguy I've ever read.



 	never say 'never'

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