[Chicago-talk] Fwd: [Chicago-announce] Social Meeting Thursday June 28 - 540 W Madison

Andy Lester andy at petdance.com
Tue Jun 26 08:17:10 PDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Doug Bell <madcityzen at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Chicago-announce] Social Meeting Thursday June 28 - 540 W Madison
> Date: June 25, 2012 9:38:50 PM CDT
> To: chicago-announce at mail.pm.org
> Greetings Perl People!
> Due to the YAPC and the Perl Foundation talk earlier this month, we're having a casual social meeting this Thursday, June 28, starting at 7:00pm in our usual location, the 9th floor of 540 W Madison, downtown Chicago.
> Meetup page: http://www.meetup.com/Windy-City-Perl-mongers-Meetup/events/64838882/
> Potential topics of discussion: YAPC (with video!), expanding and improving Chicago's Perl community, and of course random chicanery as is our wont.
> Beer and pizza will be provided, as usual. Any questions about directions, discussions, or dichotomies, feel free to ask.
> Doug Bell
> madcityzen at gmail.com
> _______________________________________________
> Chicago-announce mailing list
> Chicago-announce at pm.org
> http://mail.pm.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago-announce

Andy Lester => andy at petdance.com => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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