[Chicago-talk] Fwd: Summer of Code 2009 - engaging with students

Hal Wigoda hwigoda at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 13 07:26:59 PST 2009

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 13, 2009, at 9:11 AM, "Joshua McAdams"  
<joshua.mcadams at gmail.com> wrote:

> Eric Wilhelm, who organized Perl's SoC efforts last year, is looking
> for PM groups to help get students to sign up for Perl projects this
> year... let's do it!  If anyone works at a University and would like
> to help get the students and/or teachers involved, let me know and we
> can coordinate.  If anyone is going to a University now, you're
> probably eligible for the $4500 SoC grant... speak up if you're
> interested and we'll try to help you out.
> Josh
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Eric Wilhelm <scratchcomputing at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:24 AM
> Subject: Summer of Code 2009 - engaging with students
> To: pm_groups at pm.org
> Cc: tpf-steering at perl.org, directors at lists.parrot.org
> Hi everybody,
> It's very cold here.  Time to start thinking about summer!
> The student proposals for Google's Summer of Code will be due in a
> couple short months and Google has just given word that the program
> will indeed be on again this year.
> For 2008, we had a great turnout of willing and able mentors, but only
> about 16 student applications.  This implies that we need to try to
> reach more students and encourage them to apply for summer of code  
> this
> year.
> We'll probably start to see more information from Google about SOC  
> 2009
> within a month or so.  For now:
> http://tinyurl.com/9r55v3
> Last year taught us that the returning organizations which started  
> early
> were more successful in recruiting students.  While we can't say for
> sure that Perl/Parrot will be accepted as mentor organizations, we'll
> get a very late start if we wait.  If it (knock on wood) doesn't
> happen, the Perl community will still benefit from efforts to connect
> with more students.
> The following are just a few ideas of what your local Perl Mongers  
> group
> could do to help.  Please forward this to your mailing list or discuss
> it at your next meeting.
> Find out if your local university has Perl in the curriculum.  If so,
> get in touch with the professors and let them know about your local
> Perl Mongers group.  Ask if they would be interested in you speaking  
> to
> their class or giving a presentation on-campus.
> If the computer science department doesn't seem interested in Perl,  
> you
> might find users (or potential users) in other departments.  Think
> about all of the niche data-crunching for which Perl gets used.  Find
> grad students who might be doing that - whatever their major might be.
> Are any members of your group recently graduated?  If so, the contacts
> they still have might be a great place to start, especially in non-cs
> disciplines.  Even in very specialized applications, the chances are
> that the Perl community contains a mentor with a related background.
> Finally, I would be interested in hearing from any Perl Mongers groups
> which have been involved with on-campus activities or are meeting on
> campus.  Please send me mail about what you are doing, or even write
> about it on use.perl.
> Thanks,
> Eric
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