[Chicago-talk] The JavaScript Renaissance Part I: The Core Language

Dave Hoover dave at obtiva.com
Thu Jan 10 05:19:34 PST 2008

Thanks to everyone who turned out on Tuesday in Wheaton for a great
night of JavaScript learning.  There were many great questions.
Thanks to Fred for the time and energy he put into preparing such an
in-depth tutorial.  Part 2 of Fred's talk will likely be coming in

Fred has posted his presentation materials to his blog.


Dave Hoover
//obtiva:  Agility applied. Software delivered.

On Dec 17, 2007 4:02 PM, Dave Hoover <dave at obtiva.com> wrote:
> We're going to shift gears a bit for our January meeting in Wheaton
> and focus on JavaScript.  Fred Polgardy has stepped forward and
> volunteered to give a series of talks in 2008 on JavaScript and the
> Renaissance it has enjoyed over the last couple years.
> When:  Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008, 7-9 PM
> Where:  Wheaton, IIT - Rice Campus
> Who:  Frederick Polgardy
> What:  The JavaScript Renaissance Part I: The Core Language
> What comes to mind when think of JavaScript? Broken web sites, browser
> incompatibilities, and brittle spaghetti code? It doesn't have to be
> this way anymore! In this presentation, we'll take a focused look at
> some of the most powerful and under-appreciated features of the core
> JavaScript language -- prototype-based inheritance, lexical closures,
> and metaprogramming. We'll look briefly at what these features
> actually provide from a language standpoint, and then spend most of
> our time rolling up our sleeves and digging into real world code. In
> the process, we'll get acquainted with the Prototype library, and see
> how it extends the core JavaScript language in fascinating and clever
> ways. We'll finish up with a brief look at what's coming in JavaScript
> 2.0.
> More information and directions can be found at
>   http://chicago.pm.org/meetings/
> Let me know if you have ideas for other talks in 2008.
> Best,
> Dave Hoover

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