[Chicago-talk] Fwd: [Chirb] BARcamp Chicago Aug 15th!

Andy Lester andy at petdance.com
Tue Aug 5 07:44:46 PDT 2008

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jason Rexilius <jason at hostedlabs.com>
> Date: August 5, 2008 8:07:53 AM CDT
> To: Chirb discussion list <chicagogroup-members-list at rubyforge.org>
> Subject: [Chirb] BARcamp Chicago Aug 15th!
> Reply-To: Chirb discussion list <chicagogroup-members-list at rubyforge.org 
> >
> Hey Everyone,
>  BARcamp Chicago 2008 is coming up in a week and a half!  The  
> weekend of Aug 15th at 1240 W. Harrison St (UIC area).  Wow, time  
> flies.
>  Its being held at the Innovation Center at UIC which is this cool  
> new space for tech commercialization projects.  I posted a couple of  
> snapshots on the wiki:
> http://barcampchicago.com/WherePage
>  Sean Johnson is working on the Food and I know its going to be  
> impossible, but we'd like to try and estimate the amount.  Can  
> people either reply to me or add their name to the wiki?
> http://barcampchicago.com/AttendeeList
> -or-
> barcamp-subscribe at corp.hostedlabs.com
>  One of the really cool events happening at BARcamp this year is an  
> Erlang workshop being given by Martin Logan and Erlang User group  
> team.  If you dont know about Erlang, its a very cool Functional  
> language thats good for distributed computing.  Martin and others at  
> Orbitz are putting some Erlang code into production and they have an  
> open source project that they are putting out I believe.
>  As with every year, we have lots of cool talks lined up and I  
> expect a lot more to develop over the weekend. The Chicago LUG is  
> donating a keg, like the previous years and the organizers have been  
> working like crazy.  Its coming together despite my being a  
> disorganized slacker ;-)
> 1) RSVP in some form or fashion, (call me, email, join the list, add  
> to wiki).  Need to size catering.
> 2) Get your company to participate, sposnor, bring schwag, give a  
> talk about technology you are using or building.
> 3) Give a talk.
> 4) Spread the word.
> Also note:
> Social Dev Camp is coming up this weekend, at IIT.  Check it out: http://barcamp.pbwiki.com/SocialDevCampChicago
> Thats it for now.  Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend!
> -jason
> jason at hostedlabs.com
> 847.208.1000
> _______________________________________________
> ChicagoGroup-Members-List at rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/chicagogroup-members-list

Andy Lester => andy at petdance.com => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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