[Chicago-talk] Notes on vim+perl(+PuTTY)

Warren Lindsey warren.lindsey at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 17:18:52 PDT 2007

perl-support for vim includes support for Perl::Tidy and Perl::Critic
in the current release.  Works quite nice.

On 3/15/07, Andrew Rodland <arodland at comcast.net> wrote:
> Not so much a tutorial as "this is what I do", but people might find some or
> all of these things useful if editing perl in vim
> "" Perl-related things
> " Create a command "Tidy" -- accept a range but default to whole file
> " Any args given to Tidy will be passed to perltidy after your defaults
> command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!
>    \perltidy your favorite perltidy options here <args>
> " Turn on syntax folding for Perl files
> let perl_fold=1
> " Fold ifs and loops and such too
> let perl_fold_blocks=1
> " Highlight POD using syntax/pod.vim
> let perl_include_pod
> " If you have vim before 7.0...
> let perl_extended_vars=1
> let perl_want_scope_in_variables=1
> "" Other things
> " Enable the mouse when working in xterms or on a console with GPM
> set mouse=a
> " Use 3 columns to show fold markers (clickable, in mouse mode)
> set foldcolumn=3
> " End of vimrc stuff
> This last bit, I may be making up, but I'm pretty sure I'm not -- I believe
> that the windows PuTTY also supports accessing the windows clipboard through
> the xterm clipboard functions, meaning that you should be able to yank into
> the register "+ and have that text come out in the windows clipboard on the
> local machine, and likewise paste from "+ and it will paste what's in the
> clipboard. If that doesn't do it, try "*, and if that doesn't do it, check
> for options (sorry, I don't have a windows machine handy to test it with).
> If you want to have even a little more fun with perlish things in vim, there's
> a script called perl-support.vim available from the vim scripts repository at
> < http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=556 > -- it has mappings to
> deal with comments, macros for inserting various bits of code for you to fill
> in the blanks, quickfix support for perl -c (hit a key to pop up a buffer
> with either a "Compiled OK" message or a list of errors from perl -c, and
> jump right to the errors), and perldoc access from right within the module.
> Some fairly nifty stuff there. More info, screenshots, and installation
> instructions at the above-mentioned link.
> Anything else anyone wants to know about vim geekery?
> Andrew
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