[Chicago-talk] Sharing my pain

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Sun Oct 15 16:09:33 PDT 2006

-- Shawn Carroll <shawn.c.carroll at gmail.com>

> We have made it anonymous to protect the guilty.
> sub findSprokets {
>      my $sprokets = '';
>      my @tmp;
>      $sproketDat = "/tmp/sprokets.dat"
>      my $sproketAccum = qx(cat $sproketDat);
>      $sproketAccum =~ s![\n\s\t]!!g;
>      @tmp = split(/\+;/, $sproketAccum);
>      foreach (@tmp) {
>          unless (m!foobar!) { s!^foo!!g }
>      }
>      my $sp;
>      foreach $sp (@tmp) {
>          $sp =~ s!\\!!g;
>          $sp =~ s!\n!!g;
>          if ($sprokets) { $sprokets .= ' ' }
>          $sprokets .= $sp;
>      }
>      return $sprokets;
> }
> my $tmp = findSprokets();
> @sprokets = reverse sort( split(/ /, $tmp) );

What does this have to do with Perl as a language? I
can show you crummy-looking Java and Python [possibly
the ugliest language I've seen...].

Steven Lembark                                       85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing                                Woodhaven, NY 11421
lembark at wrkhors.com                                     1 888 359 3508

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