[Chicago-talk] Your PerlSIG presentation - Nov 14

Deborah Vose vosedj at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 11 05:17:00 PDT 2006

  I am putting together the information for the November 14th PerlSIG meeting to place on our website.  Would you please send a abstract and bio as soon as possible. 
  Let me know if you have any other questions.  Looking forward to hearing your presentation.  
  Thanks, Debi  

"Michael D. Stemle, Jr." <manchicken at notsosoft.net> wrote:
  Sure. I'd love to give a hand. Are there any specific AJAX-related questions 
folks would like answered? Due to the nature of the topic, there will be a 
fair amount of javascript, so it won't be for the faint of heart ;)

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