[Chicago-talk] h2xs & subversion equal looong paths

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Tue Jul 5 21:00:58 PDT 2005

-- Jay Strauss <me at heyjay.com>

> Andy Lester wrote:
>> First, stop using h2xs and use Module::Starter.
> <Non Combative> outside of the fact that you built Module::Starter,
> what's the big difference?
>> Second, you can check out your Subversion project into whatever
>> directory you want, so you can, if you want:
> Yes
>>    svn co file:///svn-repository/Finance-Quote-CBOE fqc
>> and it will check out into directory "fqc".
> And still end up with: ~/sand/fqc/trunk/lib, which, granted, is less
> keystrokes but, I'm still a bunch of directories down, but I suppose
> that's probably going to be unavoidable, unless I move trunk up, like I
> mentioned.
>> Finally, there's no rule that says that Finance::Quote::CBOE's pm file
>> has to live in lib/Finance/Quote/CBOE.pm.  You can move it to
>> lib/CBOE.pm and adjust the places that checks for it.  See modules like
>> Test::Memory::Cycle for an example.
> I will look at Test::Memory::Cycle
> thanks
> Jay
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Steven Lembark                                       85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing                                Woodhaven, NY 11421
lembark at wrkhors.com                                     1 888 359 3508

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