[Chicago-talk] default methods

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Mon Jul 26 23:10:05 CDT 2004

-- JT Smith <jt at plainblack.com>

> Thanks dude. Don't know how I've been using perl for 8 years without
> knowing that.
> I suck. =(

Wrong attitude. How about:

    Glad I've been using perl for eight years and still keep
    learning interesting new tricks.

Nobody (Randal, Larry, or the Mad Dr) knows all of it at this
point -- or necessarly wants to...

Steven Lembark                           9 Music Square South, Box 344
Workhorse Computing                                Nashville, TN 37203
lembark at wrkhors.com                                     1 888 359 3508

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