[Chicago-talk] "File-scraping"

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Fri Jan 16 00:07:51 CST 2004

-- petemar1 <petemar1 at perlmonk.org>

> I already have my regex, it's a filehandling issue. I can open(FILE
> ">>filename"); and close(FILE) and write to it with print FILE "blah," but
> what's the function to read from said FILE?

er, sort of like:

	sub slurpify
		if( open my $file, '<', shift )
			local $/;

			# caller gets the source back as a scalar.

			my $rx = shift;

			( my $input = <$file> ) =~ /$rx/;
			die "trying...";

	# slurp the file wholesale then apply the regex
	# to it for the coupe de rx.

	my @stuff =  slurpify $path, qr/$your_regex_here/i;

This can hack a socket also if you feel like playing
with networks.

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 888 359 3508

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