[Chicago-talk] design opinions

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Thu Aug 12 19:24:37 CDT 2004

-- Jim Thomason <thomasoniii at gmail.com>

> http://www.jimandkoka.com/movie/edit.machine.txt

- Why quote the hash keys if you use => ?

	'setup' => sub {

- If the states are sequential, why not use an array?

  Shifting state handlers just means, say, shifting
  the previous state off of a stack:

  my @handlerz =

		# deal with startup


		# done starting up

		# deal with running...

		$cgi->install( blah ) => sub { ... };

		$cgi->install( 'shutdown' ) => sub { return };

		# sit around events via the table until the
		# 'shutdown' event happens

		while( more_events )

		# exit when running is done

		# deal with exiting...


		# exiting is done


  # while there's something to handle...
  # state handlers exit to signify the end of
  # a state, last state => no more handlers.

  while( my $handler = shift @handlerz )

That or have the handlers themselves shift @handlers to signify a
state change and change the loop to just:

	$handlerz[0]->() while @handlerz;

Or put a sub { exit 0 } on the end and it becomes:


The next-to-last state change does its shift leaving the exit
code on the stack.

Nice thing here is that EVERY::LAST (from Damian's NEXT module)
and some array inheritence allows for classes to push their
handlers onto a stack during initialization:
	use base( handler1 handler2 ... );

	my $stack = __PACKAGE__->construct;

	$stack->[0]->() while $@stack;

Is all you really knead in the #! section.

I'll be sticking a module onto CPAN that does this in a
few weeks. Allows for things like:

	my $thing = Bar->construct( my => values );

	my $other = Bletch->construct( qw( new stack top ) );

    package Foo;

    use init
		hashkey => value,

	package Bar;

	use base 'Foo';

	use init
		key => value,

	package Bletch

	use init

	package Blort;

	use base 'Bletch';

	use init

Main issues at this point are how to deal with mis-matched
data types in the inheritence stack. Warn me if it'd help
at all with your stuff.

Steven Lembark                           9 Music Square South, Box 344
Workhorse Computing                                Nashville, TN 37203
lembark at wrkhors.com                                     1 888 359 3508

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