[Chicago-talk] next meeting (mon => tues?)

Steven Lembark lembark at jeeves.wrkhors.com
Thu Sep 11 07:56:44 CDT 2003

--On Monday, September 08, 2003 15:07:55 -0500 JT Smith <jt at plainblack.com> 

> I'm new to the list, and plan on coming to the meetings as often as
> humanly possible. In another group I belong to a poll is placed on the
> web site and everyone gets to vote for the date for each month's
> meetings. That way we can be flexible and get the most people possible
> each month. Would that be possible for this group?

The very few times we have changed the meeting date or time or location
even with 3+ weeks notice we lost half the people who showed up at the
regular location or didn't show up becuase they weren't sure where to go.
3rd Monday's have been the most reliable solution so far.

Steven Lembark                                            2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                                    Chicago, IL 60647
                                                         +1 888 910 1206

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