[Chicago-talk] next meeting (mon => tues?)

lembark at jeeves.wrkhors.com lembark at jeeves.wrkhors.com
Thu Sep 11 07:53:31 CDT 2003

--On Monday, September 08, 2003 13:47:30 -0500 Ed Summers <ehs at pobox.com> 

> On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 01:23:55PM -0500, Shawn C Carroll wrote:
>> Tuesday is bad for me as my wife also is going back to school and her
>> classes are on Tuesday (and I get to look after the not-so-new baby)
> Crikey. As we inch closer to Friday I imagine the back room at Coogans
> becomes less and less available. Wednesday? Is Stephen on the new list
> yet?

As of now Coogan's is the only free room we can find in/near the loop.
Mondays are the only day we can get the room at Coogan's.
Third monday is the only day we could ever find that didn't have a
local nerd meeting on/before/after it in this area.

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