[Chicago-talk] Interfacing to a Java pgm with API

Steven Lembark lembark at jeeves.wrkhors.com
Wed Oct 8 22:53:00 CDT 2003

--On Tuesday, October 07, 2003 21:01:31 -0500 Jay Strauss <me at heyjay.com> 

> I've been reading the doc on SWIG, I think maybe I'll try it.
> Thanks

For a few sub calls it may be less work to just paste the Java
exmaples into your __DATA__ section and use Inline w/ a Java
default. Nice thing about it would be keeping the entire source
in one place; ditto if you prefer to cut+paste C++.

Steven Lembark                                            2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                                    Chicago, IL 60647
                                                         +1 888 910 1206

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