[Chicago-announce] March Meetings - Going Beyond grep With ack, and Test Environments for Modern Web Apps

Doug Bell madcityzen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 21:26:38 PDT 2017

In a special meeting for the Vim-Chicago Meetup Group, Andy Lester will be talking about the ack search tool. ack is a grep-like tools optimized for programmers. Learn how to more quickly and easily search your codebase. Use Perl's regular expressions to search for exactly what you want in your code, and extract only the relevant information. Find out about the special features that take ack beyond grep.

RSVP for the Ack meeting at: https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoPM/events/237377444/ <https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoPM/events/237377444/>

For our Perl meeting this month, William Lindley will talk about writing a test harness for modern Perl programs using Test::More, Test::Mojo for the API, and DBIx::TempDB for the database. Building, testing, and deploying actual systems is more complex than merely writing a program. Real testing often needs to be done against databases of known large or problematic datasets. A test environment cannot affect production data. Staging even minor changes, so we can preview and find errors before moving to production servers, can prevent expensive errors. The "best practices" in this field are relatively new and still changing, and we look at the first steps from "I built this mockup last night" by building the test suite for a simple database-driven file-upload service with Mojolicious.

If time permits, Doug Bell will show a simple app to mock JSON REST APIs for testing using Mojolicious.

RSVP for the meeting on the Chicago.PM Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoPM/events/238505149/ <https://www.meetup.com/ChicagoPM/events/238505149/>

Doug Bell
madcityzen at gmail.com

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