[Charlotte-pm] Is there an Ansible solution to this deployment process?

Yanick Champoux yanick at babyl.ca
Thu Aug 26 07:58:40 PDT 2021

## Step 4 of ?: Creating the onboard role

In Ansible you have the notion of playbooks and
roles. They both use the same syntax, and the difference
is more organizational than anything else.

A role is a reusable set of actions. So, e.g., you can have
roles to install apache, create a set of users, or -- in this
case -- onboard a new machine.

A playbook is a set of actions you're applying to a group
of hosts. Some of those actions might end up being roles, natch.

Roles typically have a structured set of subdirectories. I won't
list them all here, just mention the ones that will be relevant for this
specific discussion:

    tasks/    # the actions of that role. The main file is main.yml
    files/    # any asset you need for that role. Template files,
              # scripts to copy, etc
    vars/     # variables we might want to use for that role. Main file is
              # also main.yml
    defaults/ # ditto, but with lower priority than `vars`. Don't think
              # too much about it now.
    handlers/ # when some actions trigger changes, you can auto-restart
              # services and whatnots. This is where those "react on change"
              # events are dealt with.

In this use-case, your onboard role does 3 things: setup a service, configure
nginx, and setup SSL. So let's mirror that in `tasks/main.yml`:

# in ./roles/onboard/tasks/main.yml

- name: install service
  include_tasks: ./install_service.yml

- name: setup nginx
  include_tasks: ./setup_nginx.yml

- name: setup ssl
  include_tasks: ./setup_ssl.yml

More to come,
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