Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Wed Oct 2 02:43:44 CDT 2002

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 caroline.scerri at defence.gov.au wrote:

> the following is a script which goes through two directory levels of the current working directory, upon finding a htm or
> html extension on a file alters the line which calls
> for the cascading style sheet specified at the command line and create a new file which has the new
> cascading style sheet reference, also specified at the command line.

Is it off charter to suggest alternatives in other languages?

find . -type f -name "*.htm*" -exec "cat {} | sed s/.../.../g > {}.new; mv -f {}.new {}"
                                                   ^    ^
         old text (escape regexp special characters)    |
                                  new text (with escpaes)

This is untested, but should conceptually work.

Is there a good perl equivalent?


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