[Buffalo-pm] Details on Damian Conway talk, Monday 27 July 2009

Richard Dice rdice at pobox.com
Tue Jul 14 07:10:22 PDT 2009

Hi everyone,

Damian Conway, an inspiration and friend to Perl community around the world,
will be delivering a free public talk in Toronto on Monday 27 July.  Please
consider attending -- the drive isn't too bad, and the talk will be a ton of
Perl fun.  Here are the details:

Presenter:  Dr. Damian Conway, the Mad Scientist of Perl
Talk Title: The Missing Link
Details:    What do watching trees grow, debugging debuggers,
            Greek mythology, code that writes code that writes code
             that writes code, the hazards of LaTeX, successful failures,
            the treacherous Vorta, objective syntax, anti-stacks,
             Danish mind-control, active null statements, synthetic standup,
            and the prospect of certain death all have in common?
             Watch as Damian weaves them together into a new and improbably
            useful module that demonstrates the awesome power and beauty
             of Perl 5.10.
Date:       Monday 27 July 2009
Time:       7pm - 9pm
            show up early to get a seat, find place to park if you're
             driving, etc.
Location:   Bahen Centre for IT
             Room 1160 (i.e. the major lecture theater on the ground floor)
            University of Toronto St. George (downtown) campus
             40 St. George Street
            (just North of College on the East side of St. George)
Parking:    See the following URL for information about parking on
            UofT St. George campus
            Looks like there is an underground lot directly beneath
             Bahen Centre (marker #17).  I also find it convenient to
            park on King's College Circle (marker #13).
Transit:    St. George subway Stn, St. George St. exit,
            walk south approx. 7 minutes
             _or_ Queen's Park subway Stn., walk west approx. 5 minutes
            _or_ College streetcar westbound from either College Stn
             or Queen's Park Stn (but walking may be faster than waiting
            for a car, especially if you're at Queen's Park Stn)

Hope to see you there!

- Richard
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