[BNE-PM] life is good

Gordon Fletcher G.Fletcher at mailbox.gu.edu.au
Fri Jan 21 02:25:36 CST 2000

You could almost get sweaty palms with the possibilities of
a position like this with Netizen. Any one of these benefits looks pretty 

- very casual work environment
I wonder about this one where I am. Working in Surfers Paradise
where you've got content with men in dicktogs and women in bikinis
to buy some lunch or pay a bill at the Post Office and yet the people I
work with inevitably show up in a tie. I make my small stand by gracing
the office tie-less - They expect it now.

- beanbags, inflatable furniture, soft toys, lego in office
And I though I was doing OK with a perl puzzle ball, an Obelix
figure on wheels and 'Hack' from the show REboot.
I'm eyeing off a middle Sepik mask that is in one of the tourist
shops down here.

- non-pointy-haired bosses
Or ones who think that they are Elvis(!).

- choose your own desktop operating system
As opposed to a boss who now takes some strange perverted delight
in looking at my KDE desktop and loudly proclaiming that he can't
understand this Linux shit. At least he says it with a smile now.


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