[BNE-PM] Meetings and things

Aditya.Sanghi at savillemail.com Aditya.Sanghi at savillemail.com
Sun Nov 14 18:48:33 CST 1999

I'm pretty sure that at QUT Campus club you need to be a member of the club.
However, I'm sure there is no harm in checking again.


It would be good to all meet up soon. Christmas is going to make the city
fairly busy over the next few weeks but I vote for a quiet location too.
The QUT campus club used to be quite quiet this time of year (and I
vaguely remember that they were cheap and let people 'off the street' in
at certain times.) Might have to check that though.

In case anyone has been frustrated by the lack of messages on the list
lately - it was a result of 'technical' problems. The happyfunball machine
(from what I can discern) was not well.

Just bought Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C - very interesting and
the coverage is good enough to fill in some of the sparser documentation
for Apache itself.

Another aside (and I'm sure that as loyal employees none of us looks at
the positions vacant columns) the number of positions advertising for Perl
type people is definitiely on the rise. There is clearly a discrepancy
between the wages on offer for Sydney/Melbourne and what appear to be
equivalent positions in Brisbane. My own observation would be that
managers and others are getting worked up about Cold Fusion and other
shrink-wrapped solutions here in Brisbane which to a degree devalues the
worth of Perl coders.


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