An Intro

Ramon Buckland r.buckland at
Thu Apr 8 20:17:15 CDT 1999

Well Seeing as there is only five of us...

I'll bless(self) and say hello. 

I'm Ramon,  I work at QUT  Gardens Point Campus.

I use Perl for quick fix solutions and for some realtime transaction systems,
GIS scripting, backups from clients, CGI programming, a can openner, and
I have started on a module to feed the cat.

Thats all from me.. 

anyone else? .. I have no great perl wisdoms at the moment ... but I am sure
I shall.


Ramon Buckland
System Administrator, Facilities Support Services
Phone: 07 3864 1289   Fax: 07 3864 1823
Mobile: 0416 259 789 (6070 SpDial) Email: r.buckland at

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