[boulder.pm] Adventures in Meatspace

Walter Pienciak walter at frii.com
Mon Nov 13 13:45:58 CST 2000

Jon, Suzie, and I went snowshoeing up at Brainard yesterday.

The trailhead had plenty of cars parked when we got there
(we'd agreed on a lazy 11 AM start), but we didn't really see many
people all day.  All in all, it was a great day, and I got home
before dark.   I also don't seem to be sore anywhere.

Jon had some pretty fine gouda cheese. 

We yabbered about a bunch of things, and Jon brought up the Inline
module (http://search.cpan.org/doc/INGY/Inline-0.26/lib/Inline.pod),
which allows the use of other languages inside Perl programs.
I couldn't really discuss it, as I've never used it.  Anyone have
comments on this?


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