[boulder.pm] activity on this list

Hank Turowski hank.turowski at firstworld.net
Fri Jan 21 12:43:14 CST 2000

At 09:17 AM 1/21/00 -0700, you wrote:
>    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>    use strict;
>    my @opinions = ( "yes", "no" );
>    my $baz = $opinions[ rand @opinions ];
>    if ( $baz eq "yes" ) {
>        print "foo\n";
>    } else {
>        print "bar\n";
>    }
>I'm wondering how many reasonably different ways the logic expressed in
>the if/else code could have been written.
>    $baz eq "yes" ? print "foo\n" : print "bar\n";
>Any others?

my %response = ( yes=>"foo", no=>"bar");
my @options = keys(%response);
my $baz = $options[rand @options];
print ($response{$baz} || "bar"), "\n";

Given that we KNOW $baz will be "yes" or "no", I could have used
print "$response{$baz}\n";

but in order to truly model the else portion of your conitional I had to
include the || "bar" in the print. Maybe something can change $baz
before the print?

Hank Turowski

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