[boulder.pm] activity on this list

Jay Kominek jay.kominek at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 20 17:18:11 CST 2000

> So I was looking for a way to hang out once in a while with some
> folks who do what I do.  A mix of list activity and actual getting
> together.  Maybe get away sometimes from the usual "let's have beer"
> geek stereotype and go do something outside or something.

The last meeting I remember reading about was at some sort of bar-food
place iirc. Even assuming I could afford to eat out (I can't), I avoid
bars are other similar social settings because I find them annoying in
the nth degree.
I know there have to be other people in Boulder that avoid such places,
and I'm sure there are other students who can't afford to eat out. Who
really likes going somewhere and watching other people eat, even if you
are talking to them?

> I haven't gone ahead and scheduled another meeting, but I didn't
> get many responses when I asked about preferred times/date.  Would
> it be easier if I just scheduled it rather than trying for some kind
> of consensus to develop?

Your best bet is to simply say, "Hey, I'm gonna be sitting $somewherepublic
between 2pm and 4pm on saturday, and I'll be up to talk about any perl
or other computer related whatnot you're interested in. I'll be the guy
wearing the perl shirt riding the camel." If other people show up, more
power to you. If not, then return the camel to the zoo before they notice.

> And what about those meetings?  Do you want formal "Tuturial on something"
> style meetings, or a place to hang out and brag, or a mix, or . . .
> what?  How often?

I'd be up for sitting around shooting the breeze about Perl somewhere easy
to get to for a student who lives on campus and can only use the RTD and his
two legs. Weekends are nice, because there aren't any classes, and no work.
I offered once to talk at/with people about my perl irc daemon, I suppose the
offer still stands (though I'm no public speaker).


In an attempt to make this post contain something useful, here is your
fairly disgusting snippet of perl code for the day:

sub p{split//,pop}$/=0;map{$c{+lc}++}p<>;sub l{my$a;map{$a+=$_}@c{p pop};$a}
print"probably ",(l(iset)>l"vfrg")?plain:rot13," text

^ ROT13 identication script, designed to save bytes. You deserve a cookie if
you can make it shorter without affecting the way it works.

- Jay Kominek <jay.kominek at colorado.edu>
  The NSA is now hiring. Send your resume to
  Fort Meade, or speak into the thermostat.

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