[boulder.pm] RegExpn Matching, not

Scott Longmore longmore at fsl.noaa.gov
Wed Feb 9 17:46:09 CST 2000

> In reality it's more like this:
> while(<CONFIN>) {
>     ($stitle, $title, $source, $match)=split('\#',$_);
>     $Comics{$stitle}="Conf";
>     $ComicsTitle{$stitle}=$title;
>     $ComicsSource{$stitle}='$source';
> }
> I need to back tick it like this?

In this case...no...I just looked at the code that I wrote
which looks very similar and I didnt need to single quote
the split variable i.e. $source . When reading the string 
from the file, it does not evaluate the string.

So that all ya need is:

It depends on whether your regexp is being interally assigned
or being read it from a file.


~ Scott Longmore - CIRA Research Associate   \\\\\\\\\\\\    |   ~
~ DOC\NOAA\OAR\FSL\MD\E-Team & FSL\RRV Project  \\\\\\\\\  - * - ~
~ 325 Broadway R/FS6, 2C311 DSRC                  ~\__n__\   |   ~
~ Boulder, CO 80303 USA                             \\\\\\\      ~ 
~ E-mail: longmore at fsl.noaa.gov                       \MMMM\     ~
~ URL: http://www-md.fsl.noaa.gov/~longmore             \\\\\    ~
~ Phone: (303) 497-6443  Fax: (303) 497-3096     \\\\\Dust\Devil/~
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