Perl and serial ports.

Simon McCartney simon at
Mon Jan 19 09:22:38 CST 2004

On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 03:05:18PM +0000, Stray Toaster wrote:
> Yo.
> Has anyone messed about with reading/writing to serial ports using perl?
> I haven't looked on CPAN yet, as I thought I would ask on the list.
> Makes a difference from Viagra mails, as useful as that might me.

The following isn't pretty or portable, but works fine for me:
(It's on linux, rh62 is think...2.2.19)

# setup the serial port, 1200 8N1
system("stty --file=/dev/ttyS0 ispeed 1200 ospeed 1200 cs8 -cstopb parenb -parodd");

# open up a fd to the serial port
open(SX2000, "/dev/ttyS0") || die "Can't open /dev/ttyS0\n";

while ($line = <SX2000>) 
	# a whole bunch of stuff for parsing phone logs..


-simonm (E: simon at W: +44 28 9072 5060 M: +44 7710 836915)
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