[bcn-pm] Fwd: Oportunitat de feina en Perl

Alex Muntada alexm a alexm.org
dis maig 10 04:26:29 PDT 2014

Hola mongers,
m'han fet arribar aquesta oferta de feina, per si us interessa o
si coneixeu algú altre a qui li pugui interessar.

Salut i Perl!

----- Forwarded message from Rolf Schaufelberger <rs a plusw.de> -----

Hello Alex, 

I found your E-Mail address vie Barcelona.pm. 
Maybe you can forward this mail to your pm group. I looked at the  pictures on Flickr and I’m impressed how many people there are. In our pm group  (Stuttgart.pm) some people left to other cities, and  we had no more meetings for more than a year.  So back to my concern: 
Our company is searching  for Perl-Developers or even for a small company , where we can outsource parts of our development. So, our first preference would be, to have somebody here in our office. Our second would be to have one or a team of developers , where we can deliver more tasks. Ideally, this group should have a person speaking German as a link between our company and their foreign company.  In a short, we can imagine to deliver most of our development, but this needs a very  close  relationship. But we start looking and my thoughts are, that in those countries like Greek, Spain, Portugal   there might be some joung  people who  WANT to work but don’t find a job , so this can be a win for both.  Of course, to get it cheap I must go to eastern europe, but I don’t like their mentality (and their food). So my idea now is, contact  PM groups , see if there are people interested.  
We are developing web-shops for printing shops and  currently habe about 80 installations in Germany, Switzerland and Austria ( we already had on in spain but his company went bankrupt ). 
So, desired skills are Perl, PostgreSQL, Javascript (Jquery, underscore ) and HTML. 

Rolf Schaufelberger

plusW GmbH
Hauffstr. 28/1    
73614 Schorndorf 
Tel.   07181 47 47 305
Fax.  07181 47 45 344


----- End forwarded message -----

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