[bcn-pm] Italian Perl Workshop 2009

Stefano Rodighiero stefano.rodighiero a gmail.com
div maig 29 03:48:59 PDT 2009

Perl.It (Italian Perl users) and Pisa.pm (Pisa Perl user group), in
cooperation with IIT-CNR and with the patronage of Comune di Pisa, are
organizing the 5th edition of Italian Perl Workshop (IPW 2009).

The conference will be held in Pisa, at the "Area di Ricerca"
(Research Area) of the CNR (National Research Centre) on 22 and 23
October 2009.

This is a non-profit event and is the national conference on the Perl
language and related technologies.

This Workshop aims to be an opportunity for Perl users to meet each
others, both professionals and amateurs. It's also a great occasion
for people who don't know about Perl but want to know something more
about its features, its culture and the community around it.

The event is free.

More info: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/ipw2009/
To register: http://conferences.yapceurope.org/ipw2009/register



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