[bcn-pm] Fwd: [Newbies] [ANN] ESUG Awards 2009

TooMany Secrets toomany a toomany.net
dll maig 18 23:31:55 PDT 2009

Hola a todos.

Perdonad el forwarding, pero os dejo esto aquí por si os interesara a
alguno (¿Jordi?).


Dear Smalltalkers,
You are invited to submit your nice Smalltalk based software to the
6th ESUG Innovation Technology Awards. The top 3 teams with the most
innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros
and 200 Euros during an awards ceremony at the 17th International
Smalltalk Joint Conference 2009 in Brest, France.
No constraints are put on the software except that it should be
Smalltalk-based or Smalltalk-related and all flavours of Smalltalk are
More details on the web:
The last year results:
Luc Fabresse, PhD
Assistant-Professor in Computer Science
École des Mines de Douai - UR IA - France
Web Page: http://vst.ensm-douai.fr/research/

Beginners mailing list
Beginners a lists.squeakfoundation.org

Have a nice day  ;-)

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