[bcn-pm] Fwd: New Perl Projects
dawnmusik a gmail.com
dim set 16 15:37:20 PDT 2008
>Lyle Hopkins of the Bristol and Bath perl mongers has started some new
projects and
>asked that they be announced.
The projects are:
Perl Certified Hosting
Free Perl Course Project
Perl Donation (from everybody)
Perl Certification
Perl Certified Hosting
The idea for this project was put forth by Amias of Bristol & Bath Perl
Mongers. We are creating a Perl Certified Hosting scheme that will be open
for all hosting companies to join. Requirements will include a set list of
web related Perl Modules and proper webserver configuration. Please visit
the site for more details and to get involved with helping this scheme
become a reality.
Free Perl Course Project
The idea in this project is that every Perl programmer teach at least one
other person to code. Be that a family member, friend, work colleague,
employee, friend of a friend, or even friend of an employee. Following the
success of the Free Perl Course offered by Bristol & Bath Perl Mongers this
project has been started to encourage other Perl groups and programmers to
do the same.
Perl Donation (from everybody)
This scheme has been started with the aim to give the Perl 6 development
budget a big boost. Please take the time to make your small donation. The
aim is that we all make a small donation so that it amounts to a lot.
Perl Certification
I've been starting a Perl Certification list, this time not for debate, but
for actually starting a certification scheme. I know this can be a very
touchy subject, but we'd like to put together a working solution that people
can evaluate.
Atlanta-pm mailing list
Atlanta-pm a pm.org
ØIf I get old, I will not give in
but if I do, remind me of this.
Remind me that, once I was free,
once I was cool, once I was me.
- Radiohead - A Reminder
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