[bcn-pm] Test pm.org

TooMany Secrets toomanyatoomany.net
Dis Jun 2 08:10:04 PDT 2007

2007/6/2, Joel Pinckheard <joel.pinckheardagmail.com>:
> --
> Joel Pinckheard     http://www.pincky.com/

Si, funcionar funciona, pero el tráfico es ya otro asunto... xDD

Have a nice day  ;-)

Nine megs for the secretaries fair,
Seven megs for the hackers scarce,
Five megs for the grads in smoky lairs,
Three megs for system source;

One disk to rule them all,
One disk to bind them,
One disk to hold the files
And in the darkness grind 'em.

Més informació de la llista de correu Barcelona-pm