[Bandung-pm] Happy New Year and Bye Bye America?
Lawrence Auster
lawrence.auster at att.net
Thu Jan 1 01:56:58 PST 2009
Today was the last day of 2008, but what about tomorrow, White American Patriots? We all know something is up — it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out anymore. Will 2009 be the year all of us get turned into characters from some real-life, Great Depression movie? Will we all be rendered destitute, too concerned about getting something to eat, even beans or chitlens, then raising Cain with those Jew-corrupted SOB’s in Washington?
Washington has apparently been on some kind of script for the last two decades or longer, forcing NAFTA on us in the ’90’s and then allowing our manufactering to pull up stakes and move on to third world countries. Various financial bubbles have been given the legislative cultures to grow out of control and are now collasping in the same general time frame, right about when people warned us it all would happen. Gold prices have been artificially sat on, just so no one gets panicky – yet.
They may have planned it all for 2009, but once they settled on Obama over Hillery, it was set off a little early to give their pocket Negro an election day boost. Goldman Sachs’ Jew dupe, Hank Paulson, was told to make the call to Nancy Pelosi out of the blue and created a Wall Street furor that made 2008 the worst Stock Market decline since the Great Depression years in 1931 (it actually took 2 1/2 years from 1929 to drop 89%). Smaller Jew scum have been in a kind of rip-off mode for some time now, hearing rumors from “on high” just what the big boys have been planning all along. They’ve gone on a feeding frenzy – stealing what they can and salting it away in off-shore banks and over in that all-time den of thieves: Israel.
Go to the end for a quick poll on what YOU think.
Here’s the basic supposition: America is purposefully being brought to it’s economic and social knees, to roll out a socialistic North American Union (NAU) and bring in the Amero as the dollar replacement in 2010. I’ve been saying all this since around 2005, when I saw the handwriting on the wall with Bush and the SPP line of bull and so far, to me, it’s been obvious thats where we’ve been headed for with that Texas idiot, George W. Bush. He’s done the advance police state work for the Magic Negro.
Imagine all this for a minute: If they came right out in, say 1990, and told the American people that they wanted to turn America into a mere lobe of a Jew-controlled Global Government, install some skinny, lefty Mulatto as our president, redo the Constitution removing what’s left of our rights and admit millions of non-Whites into the country, what do you think would have happened?
White America would have gone totally ballistic. But that’s exactly the direction we are headed, sorry to say. It can’t be denied any longer. These bastards could never have been public about it all and made it to work, because we would have formed armies in the streets back then (and should do so now).
The evidence is clear-cut: A giant highway is now being built in Texas, up from the Mexican border, which the US Media has, more or less, kept us in the dark about (think about that one). They are discussing the possibility of hosting constitutional conventions, for whatever reasons. We now have a Mulatto’s family moving to DC this very weekend in advance of the phoney ”Inauguration” of the illegal immigrant usurper as we speak.
The legalization of the illegal non-White Mestizos is planned to go back on the traitor’s Capital Hill table in 2009, after being angrily and overwhelmingly protested against by the American public last year (May 07). The Jews of the ADL, SPLC and Jew media are now vigorously planning a big propaganda push for ramming this down America’s throat early in 2009. Even the border fence work has been stopped and some of this country’s traitors are now talking about demolishing what they’ve finished. The entire cabinet selections of Obama are supposedly pro-immigration.
Along with the legalization of those already here, expect talk about allowing more Africans to immigrate into the US and Western countries. Also, Section 8 Housing Act Negroes from the inner city are now in the process of moving into the suburbs and wreaking the typical kinds of Negro havoc. The government is actually paying two thirds of the rent money with your tax dollars (can you believe that crap?), for these crime-prone Negro families to essentially take over foreclosed properties. These Negroes are one truly spoiled rotten race.
Will some large, loud and nasty Negro family move in next door to you soon? If you’re a liberal, wait till this happens and, in about a week or so, you’ll no longer be so liberal and for “diversity.” Trust me.
New waves of non-White Mestizos, up from Mexico, will soon be making their way here, once the legalization of the 30 million plus ones, already here, finally take place — thanks to the new Lefty Democrat majority and Jew-corrupted Congress and Senate. Obama will whip that pen out faster than you can say “Speedy Gonzales.”
Oh, I’m not the only person who thinks that all this is going down. Plenty of people and not just Alex Jones or Jerome Corsi. Sure, most of the sleeping sheep in FOX News land would rather watch some inanity on TV tonight — you know, all the dancing crap and ball dropping bull. Hell, this country needs to drop it’s balls and drop some dimes on the bastards out there. Know what I’m saying?
Before I lose my cool about this topic, let me kindly suggest a few things. Get food and weapons. You should already have done so. You can buy common, easily stored stuff, like beans and rice, just remember to mark the purchase date on them with a black magic marker, so you can rotate them back in on a oldest date first basis. It’s not hard, but go to survivalist blogs/forums and read up on some things (put in some good links in the comment section below for people).
Buy a good handgun and maybe a riot shotgun and plenty of ammo. Learn how to use them safely and effectively. You want those things anyway, since Obama and his lefty cohorts will undoubtedly try to put a stop to buying them soon enough and the Negro crime rate is always horrible and now rising fast. Like the food business, check into the Gun blogs/forums from people who are into this kind of thing (and they’re are plenty, believe me).
Prepare yourself a “bug-out” bag. Stuff you gotta have to live and extra clothes. You may need to vacate your area at a moment’s notice. I’ll be doing some specific blog postings here on all of this kind of thing shortly.
I’m not joking here. We are going in the direction of some serious stuff, quite probably Civil War stuff, whether you believe me or not. It’s inevitable. Just the business with Iran and the Mideast will soon throw us all under the bus in a major way. Whatever you can get and do in advance will be helpful. Remember the Boy Scout maxim to be prepared and that having it, even when you don’t need it, is a whole hellava lot better than not having it when you do.
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
– Jew Banker James Warburg, Feb. 17, 1950, (as he testified before the U.S. Senate). His father Paul Warburg founded the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).
The Jews, once again, have destroyed a perfectly good country and brought us to the brink of global war. You can go give those bastards hell instead of me, the messenger.
I think that once White America gets it about Obama and who his masters really are, it’ll spread like wildfire and White Americans will start moving in the direction we should have done about 20 years ago. Don’t worry about the logistics and wheres for now, just equip yourself and work extra hard alerting your friends and family to the Jew part, while the Internet is still relatively free (Youtube is now being monitored and censored by the Jew ADL).
It’s time we take back this country and throw the bums out!
Lawrence Auster,
1300 Wilson Blvd, Ste 120
Arlington, VA 22209-2312
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